Costly Mistakes That Are Made When Choosing a Medigap Plan

When it comes to selecting the right Medicare plans it is important that you do your due diligence. With so many options out there, it is not hard to believe that so many seniors find out after they have made a mistake when choosing their Medigap plan. Unfortunately, once you sign up for a Medigap plan, you are locked in and have to wait an entire year to make any changes.


This mistake could end up being very costly and is irreversible until the enrollment period begins next year. Not only could it cost a lot of extra money, but it could even cost you by not covering certain services that you or your spouse may rely on.

5 Common Mistakes Made Wen Choosing a Medigap Plan

Taking advice strictly from television ads:

Unfortunately, we all are exposed to the many advertising on television and on the radio regarding the Medicare plans. This is especially true during the enrollment periods and as the ending of the signup comes around every. The problem comes in when you listen to a well-intentioned relative armed with the knowledge that they saw in on the TV. This can be a bit dangerous when they don’t know all of the details.


Not taking the time to thoroughly investigate Medigap prescription coverage:

One of the worst feelings is to find out at the wrong time that your Medigap plan does not cover all of the cost of a new medication that your doctor has prescribed. Since chances are great that your doctor is prescribing the medication that you really need it.


Not checking to see if the Medigap plan covers the gaps most likely needed:

Some people end up hurting themselves by not checking to be sure that they know if the Medigap plan that they probably rushed into signing up for did not actually completely fill in the gap of their Medicare plan. This mistake could be doubly bad if you end up without necessary coverage and that it costs too much.


Selecting the wrong insurance company for your Medigap plan:

The insurance company you chose is ultimately the most important. If you end up selecting the wrong insurance company it might not even matter if you choose the best plan that they have. If you cannot trust the company to be there when you need it, they are not the right company.


Choosing straight Medicare:

Signing up for the original Medicare plan and assuming that the Part A and Part B will suffice your needs could be the right choice, however, be sure that you ensure that you select a cap on expenses. This could easily end up costing you a lot of money.


Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at  Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949!