Motivations in Home Improvement

It doesn’t matter if you have lived in your current home for 15 years or just purchased your first home, a fixer-upper, there is a great chance that some home improvement projects are in your future.  From small renovations such as the installation of a new front door or something major like a complete kitchen remodel you will most likely turn to a company that specializes in home construction.

Updates can be something as simple as changing the way a room looks or updating the function a space serves or as grand as a adding an addition or modification to an existing room that is not being properly utilized.  The reasons for renovations to your home vary a great deal, the one thing that doesn’t is the need to ensure you and your family are prepared for the renovations.

Remodeling: Know Why

It is important to understand why you are taking on any renovation project before getting started.  If you are adding an addition or gutting your kitchen in favor of a newly designed space, it is crucial to know why you are doing it.  Does the plumbing and electricity need to be updated?  Do you need a space that is more practical or a more usable floor plan? Are you just bored? No matter why it is important to get a hold of the motivation for the project as it will better help you to budget and prioritize.


It doesn’t matter if you have a new construction home or a historical home, maintenance is required to ensure that the everything needed to keep the home up and running is working smoothly.  Homes that are over a decade old must have regular inspections on electrical, plumbing, and structural elements in order to keep your home safe for your family.

Renovations driven based solely by maintenance will often mean that the budget for the renovation will mostly go towards hiring professional licensed contractor specializing in services like plumbing and electrical.  More often than not this type of work will require permits and inspections.


The plumbing and electrical in the home may be up to date however, the rooms may not function as you need them too or may just be an eyesore.  Plenty of times renovation are done just to bring a space up to date.  If this is the reason for renovations you will see a difference in your budget allocation as more of your budget will go to design elements, state of the art appliances, and trending home improvement materials.

Improving Efficiency

Other renovations are done just to improve the efficiency of the home. New windows, doors, siding, chimney updates, and insulation are all renovations that are completed to shrink energy waste and decrease their utility bills.  Other renovations may include new thermostats and solar panels.

As a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan, Kearns Brothers, Inc. offers clients a wide range of services to meet their construction needs including: roofing, siding, window, masonry, chimneys, gutters, and insulation services.  More information can be found at