Changes to Consider During 2019 Medicare Open Enrollment

There are many changes coming to the world of Medicare in 2019.  Most of these changes will involve coverage in Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D.  From more health care plans to choose from to lower premiums and added benefits now is a good time to start reviewing your current plans and future options.

An Increase in Medicare Advantage Plan Choices

In 2019 Medicare expects to see an increase of upwards to 600 new Medicare Advantage plan options varying between locations.   More than ninety percent of Medicare enrollees will have the option of ten or more Medicare Advantage plans to choose from in their area.  Medigap Plan D, prescription drug coverage is also upgrading and offering Plan D business plans in 2019.

Medigap Plan D, Prescription Drug Coverage, Premiums Decrease

Enrollees in Medigap Plan D can expect to see a decrease in plan premiums by $1 a month in 2019.  It is important to remember that when looking at coverage there is more to the cost than just the initial premium.  Some plans offer a low premium, but the cost of prescriptions co-pays is much higher than a higher costing premium plan.  A Medicare Supplemental Insurance Agent or the Medicare Plan Finder online are tools available to assist you in comparing all ten Medigap rates and plans.

Preferred Pharmacies

Medigap Plan D will include more preferred pharmacies.  When choosing a plan that offers a preferred pharmacy you can expect to pay lower premiums and decreased co-payments.  If you go outside of the preferred pharmacy to have prescriptions filled, you will be paying a premium.  If you are adamant of sticking with a certain pharmacy, you will need to see if a plan option exists with them as the planned pharmacy.  If not, you will need to change pharmacies or pay the additional cost of prescriptions.

Less Expense in The Donut Hole

The coverage gap which makes participants pay more out of pocket for prescriptions known as the donut hole, will close in 2019.  When your total prescription drug expense reaches $3,820 you will pay 25% of the cost of brand-name (37% of generic) up until you have reached $5,100 in which you will then only be responsible for 5%.

Medicare Advantage Premiums Decreasing

In 2019 the premium for Medicare Advantage will run on average $28 per month, down $1.81 from 2018.  There will also be more zero premium options available with Medicare Advantage coverage.  It is always good to note that often lower-premium policies have a smaller network of providers.  If this does not bother you than this may be a good option to help cut costs.

The experts at eMedigap Plans, powered by Omega, have all the answers you are looking for when it comes to your Medigap Supplemental Insurance needs.  More information can be found at