Generator Tap Boxes: Instant Power During Power Outages

No matter what business you are in, be it manufacturing, banking, health care, or education a sudden change in the power situation can be a debacle.  A loss of power means a loss of time, resources, and more so it is imperative to prepare for just such an occasion. 

 To plan ahead to avoid an electrical interruption companies could choose to install a permanent generator. An installed permanent generator can be a large maintenance expense.  To avoid this extra expense the installation of a tap generator is a viable, cost effective option.  When a natural disaster like storms,blackout, and what not a tap generator allows businesses to get your electricity back up and running quickly. 

A tap box is a simplistic generator that is installed outside of the business.  It plays the role of connecting the business’s portable generator to the electrical system.  This allows you to get a temporary supply of electricity running to avoid downtime.  This connection can be made either manually or using an automatic transfer switch.  The power is generated so efficiently that it can be up and running without any delay using programable logic circuits and auto start generators.  Your power system will be emergency ready and the cost savings of no down time and not having to hire a professional electrical contractor to temporarily connect power will be pay off the first time the power goes out.  Being prepared ahead of time pays off.

When having a generator tap box installed you will want to assess your electrical needs.  The needs and requirements that your specific business have will vary from even your competition.  Here are some things to consider when choosing a generator tab box

  • How often do you lose power?
  • What are your electrical needs?
  • What systems are crucial to keep running?
  • What is your budget?

No matter what the answers are to these questions, J & P Electrical will have a solution that fits your exact needs. 

J & P Electrical Company is a full-service electrical company that supplies contractors, end users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bud ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers. More information can be found at