What Goes into a Pool?

Having your own pool on your property is a wonderful luxury. Having full access to it anytime you want without having to worry about screaming strangers and lifeguards can be liberating, if you don’t mind being responsible for your own maintenance. There’s little doubt that any owner of a private in-ground pool is fully aware of all the elements that go into a pool, but those who may not own one but one day will may not fully be aware of what exactly makes a pool a pool. This article can be used as a brief overview of some important elements and the overall makeup of the plastering process used on every pool installed.


                Plastering is at the tail end of pool installation. It is that final layer installed on the in-ground pool that smooths out the surface for users to touch without injury. This can also be installed using different material, such as vinyl and fiberglass. Fiberglass especially is much stronger than the typical plaster and is much more resistant to the typical wear and tear of the conventional plaster, such as mold, etc. Vinyl has the benefit of being much easier and quicker to install and is cheaper to install overall. It’s important to take any factors of your pool to heart before deciding on which liner to use, taking into consider the costs and general upkeep requirements.


                The tile used in your pool may seem like a trivial element but when looked at visually the importance comes more into view. Using tile on a pool gives the owner an incredible diversity of options and looks to have your pool stand out in the neighborhood. Not only are colors an option but creating a design or pattern unique to your own personality will give you an edge and give your entire pool area its own personality that guests can recognize and enjoy. Aside from being a visual blank slate on which to craft your design, tiles can also be incredibly long-lasting if kept in good condition. Being an outdoor element, tile is designed and manufactured to withstand the harsh outside conditions and can last for years when handled correctly. Your pool can be the highlight of your property for years if you understand the maintenance and upkeep required.


                The pool makeup itself is important but equally crucial is the water inside of it. The water is where your friends and family will spend the time, so you need to be aware of how to balance it chemically to keep those people safe. The Pool Products website recommends the following chemicals:

  • Stain & Scale Preventer
  • Granular Shock Chlorine
  • Chlorine Tablets
  • pH Increaser and/or pH Decreaser
  • Alkalinity and/or Calcium Increaser
  • Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer)
  • Algaecide and Clarifiers if needed
  • Complete Test Kit or Test Strips.

Pound Pool Plastering offers several options when it comes to servicing your pool including plaster, caulk, tiling, cement decks, plumbing, and coping in both commercial and residential settings.  More information can be found at https://www.pound-pool-plastering.com/.