Prepping 101: Your Survival Guide

Whether you are just starting or a seasoned prepper, sifting through all the information available can be overwhelming. There are thousands of websites online dedicated to the subject; knowing which source to trust might be confusing. Our guide will help steer you through the possibilities and solutions every prepper needs to know.

Prepping is different for everyone, as there are various unique factors, problems, and disasters to ready yourself for. These vary depending on geographical location, job security/financial standing, human-made vs. natural disasters, etc. To truly be prepared for anything, start by figuring out which threats are likely to affect you and how you will handle each one accordingly. Check out historical data from past disasters that have impacted your area, analyze crime rates, and take your personal threats into account, which might include economic problems, medical setbacks, and family members who might require extra care. A customized emergency preparedness plan is always a good idea; ensure it is drafted by you, not some generic person from a far-off land who isn’t familiar with your surroundings or situation. Create a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to kick off your prepping journey.

Prepping means nothing without proper training. Your ability to survive a natural disaster is based on two simple things: planning and training. Without real-world preparedness, you won’t survive a disaster of any kind. Sporadic preparedness drills should be as realistic as possible. Turn off your power supply, for example, to simulate an outage. Make sure your group has a thorough understanding of the plan and evacuation routes. Practice your communication plan without using a cell phone. These drills will help you test your plan in a mock scenario.

A well-stocked rural retreat is ideal for those who can swing it. During long-term disasters, these oasis areas are perfect for preppers. Living a self-sufficient lifestyle within a dwelling that doesn’t run on public utilities is the goal. The government is typically not involved in any way, which is what preppers generally refer to as “going off the grid.” There are many ways to power off-grid houses, such as propane, solar panels, and batteries. A growing challenge is locating rural land to build on. Many factors should be considered when searching for property, such as whether the soil is rich and fertile, nearby water and other natural resources, and local zoning laws.

In the event that your emergency preparedness plan needs to take effect, how will you make money? Cut expenses, start a business, or use your land to generate income. Initially, it might be challenging to drum up some creative ideas, but once you do, you will be able to sustain your lifestyle.  

Prep entirely by browsing the vast selection at Wolf Survival Gear. We have the tools you need.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all of your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: