Best Survival Podcasts of 2021

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (ok, maybe you have), you probably know that podcasts are the latest big thing. Beyond watching movies and reading books, those interested in learning about prepping, survivalism, and homesteading can now utilize a new media: podcasts.

Podcasts are incredibly convenient in our fast-paced lifestyles. Instead of sitting in front of a screen or staring at a piece of paper, podcasts are entirely audible. You can listen to a podcast while driving, vacuuming, cutting the grass, taking a shower, cooking, and while performing countless other daily activities. What more could you ask for?

To jump start your prepper podcast journey, here are five highly suggested stations:

Warrior Life (formerly Modern Combat and Survival) – episodes air once a week
Host Jeff Anderson offers an informative podcast about survival, integrated with weapons. Firearm enthusiasts, freedom patriots, and those who simply want to learn more about survival will enjoy this podcast. Episodes are short, focusing on urban survival, self-defense, escape, and evasion.

Practical Prepping Podcast – episodes air two-to-three times per week
This podcast is for people who aren’t hardcore preppers or survivalists, focusing on everyday people who simply want to be prepared for emergencies. People who merely want to integrate a survival lifestyle and mindset would enjoy this podcast best. Knowledge is essential – the more you know, the less you have to carry. Also, this podcast is great for young kids.

Survival Podcast – episodes air multiple times per week
Jack Spirko hosts this show, dedicated to self-sufficiency and prepper conversations. Valuable survival and prepping tips are given in each episode, along with an expert council who backs up information. Doctors have been known to suggest medicines for survival first aid on this podcast.

In the Rabbit Hole Urban Survival Podcast – episodes air once a week
This thorough podcast is chocked full of survival tips and topics. Focused on urban preppers, this podcast teaches listeners how to homestead in cities, survive financially, psychologically, and more. Throwing in humor, this podcast is light, easy to listen to, yet practical.

Survival Medicine Podcast – episodes air at least once a month
Medicine is imperative to bear in mind while prepping, yet many of us don’t even consider it. Chocked full of medical-related topics, this podcast is hosted by Joe and Amy Alton. Joe is a licensed MD, and Amy is a nurse practitioner and certified nurse midwife.

You have the information, but now you need the supplies. Look no further – Wolf Survival Gear offers a vast selection of prepping gear, available in our online store today!

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: