Five Ways to Generate Medicare Leads

Getting Medicare leads can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Having more than one source for lead generation is best to create a steady stream of clients. Beyond the usual social media advertising, here are five ways to generate Medicare leads:

  1. Networking
    Try to create a network of people who can recommend you to prospects in need of Medicare. Start building partnerships with your clients to discuss opportunities and build a mutually beneficial relationship. Getting involved in your community is another way to generate leads. Participate in groups, meetings, etc., and try to get your name out as much as possible.
  • Referrals
    One of the oldest tactics in the book, personal referrals make up a large part of business recommendations. Up to 92 percent of consumers trust referrals from people they know. It might be a more challenging path to cross, but it’s worth the effort. Online reviews and social media/website referrals count, too!
  • Direct Mail
    Up to 70 percent of Americans think direct mail is superior to the Internet when it comes to personal relationships. Even in today’s digital world, direct mailers are one of the most effective ways to get Medicare leads. Contact information that will lead consumers to your website, landing page, or blog should be included.
  • Print Advertising
    Still quite relevant in today’s digital world, more than 80 percent of consumers act on direct-print mail advertisements compared to only 45 percent for electronic advertisements. Online ads have a reputation for being misleading, so print remains the most trusted marketing information source. Since they are so straightforward, they give the business more credibility.
  • Webinars
    An excellent way to demonstrate your expertise, webinars also let some of your personality shine through. If you have an e-mail database, send your webinar information to your ideal audience. They have already shown an interest in what your business has to offer. Webinars are ideal for solidifying that trust and closing the deal.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides seniors who are affiliated with credit unions, labor unions, and associations an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: