Just How Important is a Contact Page to a Website Afterall?

It’s obvious that your sites HOME page is the most important page of your web site design.  It is the landing page and will receive the most traffic of any of the pages within your website.  The second most important page, is often the most neglected when optimizing your site, can you guess what page we are talking about?  If you guessed the CONTACT page you are correct!  Consider the goal of most of the pages on your website are created for the sole purpose of getting clients to reach out to you in one way or another.  Yet the CONTACT page is most often the most underwhelming page on your website.

Considering that most CONTACT pages have very little information on them other than a basic fill information form, an email address, phone number, and perhaps a physical building address.  Face it, that information can be a bit unenticing for website visitors.  Since the goal of the page is to reach out and touch base with you, it is important that this page persuades them to do so.

Basic Contact Page Rules

Provide More Than One Method of Contact:

  • We have heard it over and over again that people hate being directed to fill out a standard, one-size fits all form on websites. We also get many businesses that don’t want to list their phone number because they don’t want to spend the day fielding phone calls.  It is crucial to the success of any company that they don’t focus too much on what they want but instead focus on the customer, CONTACT pages are made for your customers not you.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t want the phone number listed, if a customer prefers to call you then it is important they are able to easily do so.  Give your customers every option possible on your websites CONTACT page: include an easy fill form, an email, a phone number, a physical address, and any other method of contact that you know your customers desire.

Invite Customers to Contact You:

  • Even if the CONTACT page seems self-explanatory it is important to note that for visitors to your site its not that simple. Your site must include a message that is welcoming and invites visitors to contact you with whatever method they are comfortable in doing so.  I hear it all the time, “Just go ahead and slap up a contact form, people will know what to do.”  Even though we can assume that visitors will see information to contact you, it is important to make them feel as if you are really waiting for them to reach out.  Otherwise visitors may see the form as an abyss,
    • We are happy you found us and look forward to hearing from you!”
    • “We are here to help, get in touch with us today and a representative will get back to you as soon as possible.”
    • “We value your questions and input, please reach out to us today.”

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or elaborate, just a welcoming message that lets visitors know their information will be followed up on.

Use Something Other Than “SUBMIT”:

  • More than one study has been done that shows website traffic is more likely to send information if the text button says something other than “submit”. Be more specific and illicit action: “Let’s Get Started Today”, “Send Your Message”, “Get in Touch with Us Today”, or any other way to get the message across.
Don’t Forget to Say Thanks:
  • A thank you page after visitors share their contact information with you is important for more than one reason. It not only allows you to keep track of conversions within Google Ads, it can also increase traffic to other pages on your site.  A well optimized thank you page should offer visitors suggestions on other areas of the site to interact with while they are waiting to hear from you.

As the second most visited page to most websites, the contact page is an important aspect to remember when optimizing your company’s website.  With proper optimization to this single page you can increase contacts and isn’t that the reason we have websites to begin with, more contacts equal greater business opportunities.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.


Custom Website Design for Growing Businesses

Business of all sizes can benefit from custom web design services.  Small businesses, or growing businesses as we prefer to call them are just one set of the many clients that we can help improve their online positioning and presence with a website customized to their unique business needs.  The professional web development team at Creative Programs and System understand the needs of growing businesses as we are a growing company ourselves.


As a growing business we understand that expenses are everywhere and thus understand the importance of affordable services.  A website does not have to cost tens of thousands of dollars to be exceptional.  We are able and willing to work with small, independent business owners looking for an ecommerce site to sell their art and large scaled, international corporations. There are a number of companies that are not interested in working or designing websites for companies that are not looking to exhaust their budget on a website, which is most often a template anyway.  You won’t find that at CPS; we believe custom websites should be designed specifically with our clients wants and needs in mind.


Of course, there are more factors to who you hire to design your website than cost.  However, even if you don’t have a ten-thousand-dollar budget it is important to note you often get what you pay for when it comes to $500/cheap, template websites. You must understand what you are agreeing to before you sign a contract to design or re-design a website.  Some companies can offer low cost websites because they are purchasing templates and fitting your business needs into the template.  This is not the ideal type of site for most growing businesses.


Additional services can add to the total budget needed for a new website.  If you are looking to add in services such as logo design, content creation, and in-depth search engine research and development it is important to note that these services are an additional fee above and beyond the initial design and development of your website.  If you are looking into additional services, it may be important to consider your site development in stages.


When you meet with professional website developers it is important to consider their professional advice.  Some fancy features may not be only be unaffordable, they may also detract visitors.  Flash, reverse type, awkward navigation, music, videos, and other special effects actual cause a distraction and have been proven over and over again to not add the expected value.  When planning your strategy online with a limited budget these are options to skip, even with an unlimited budget some of them should be avoided.


Your website should be all about your customers. It is easy to get swept up in what you think is desirable but in reality, the only thing that is important is what your customers want.  Remember, most customers are looking for information and outcomes.  If they want to purchase a new car, they are looking at your site for valuable information on the product and how to easily go about obtaining it.  All website design should consider what the customer is looking to obtain from it and be designed around this.


Content is a key element not only for your customers value but also for search engine rankings.  When creating content or having content created for your company it is important to take into consideration what your customers are looking for and how your content can answer this need. If your visitors find the information on your site reliable and useful they are more likely to become a customer over those that cannot find answers to what they are looking for.



Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.

A Mobile CRM Benefits Your Business

The term CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is a newly coined term used to describe a system that allows companies to access and manage key elements of their business.  A mobile CRM is one that delivers the experience to users of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile internet-enabled devices.  Right away you can see the benefits a mobile CRM would have in the growth and development of any business big or small.  A custom CRM system, designed specifically for your business, employees and customers, will take you to the next level.

Let’s face the facts; we are not a generation filled with patience.  No longer is using a desktop to gain information good enough for us, we want information at the touch of a button anytime we want it.  Mobile device use went from .7% in 2009 to just under 53% in 2017, with numbers that will only continue to grow. Your business must have software to match.  Users of mobile CRM systems are able to access important business data no matter when they want it or where they are.

Mobile CRM systems are important to employees as they are no longer tied to a desk to work.  Employees are literally able to work no matter where they are when using a mobile CRM.  They can access vital information when meeting with prospects, allowing immediate decision to be made.  We all know how important an immediate decision is when closing a deal.  Custom CRM systems allow this to occur.

Jobs that were once considered “office jobs” where employees physical presence was thought to be required have since gone remote because of systems such as a CRM, leading to higher overall productivity.  With access via mobile technology, employers actually gain higher results from their employees. A recent study boosts that most mobile employees work an extra 240 hours annually.

Mobile smart devices give employees a freedom that is not experienced when tied to a desk.  Employees and employers alike benefit from having access whether they are in the same building or half way across the world.  Tying a workforce together with real-time, shared information allows data to be shared regardless of software compatibility, which leads to a more collective work atmosphere.

If you have questions on how a CRM platform can help you grow your company and improve the efficiency of your workforce, it is important to schedule an appointment today with a developer who is versed in both iPhone and Android app development.  They can assist in developing the right CRM system that will continue to develop and adapt to your ever growing company climate and personalized needs.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.

The Many Reasons Every Business Needs a Mobile App

Mobile apps are becoming more and more of a necessity when it comes to maintain and growing your business.  No matter what you do or how your company interacts with clients a custom designed mobile app will allow you to be more efficient and effective.  Mobile apps are not solely for large, well known companies like Home Depot.  In fact, more now than ever small and mid-sized companies with unique needs are benefiting from custom apps to round out their company’s mobile strategy.

If you are still on the fence on why your business needs a mobile platform and how they can benefit from a custom app this installment should provide a clearer picture to its importance in our ever-changing world of business and customer relations.

Benefits of Custom Mobile Apps

  • Visibility to Customers 24/7

Would you believe it if someone told you that the average American spends more than two hours a day using their mobile device.  Most users only use a handful of apps on their phones however, each time they open an app yours will be right there.  Even if it is unconscious, the image of your app will be there and thus always top of mind.

  • Direct Marketing

Mobile apps function in several ways to assist customers.  From general pricing to account information and more.  The biggest benefit of providing customers with a mobile app is that any information you desire your customers to have at their fingertips from special promotions to sales, it is all there at the touch of a button.

  • Added Value

Another benefit of having a custom mobile app for your company is the added services of value that you can offer to clients that interact with it.  For instance, the app can be designed in a manner that allows customers to collect rewards for interactions, a type of loyalty program.  What results for your companies is that more and more users will want to download your app to achieve rewards thus leading to a higher number of repeat customers.

  • Brand Awareness

Mobile apps can significantly increase the awareness of your brand.  The app is like a walking billboard for your company.  You can change it as often as desired creating a different appeal every day.  The theory of effective frequency states that people seeing or hearing about your company more than 20 times are more likely to recall your information when they need your products or services.

  • Beneficial to Employees

Mobile apps are super useful to your employees as well.   They can be used to complete everyday tasks as well as be a source to relay information easily to one another within your company.  The great thing is that as the wants and needs change for your growing business so can the app.  Mobile apps can be customized to the growing needs of employers leading to a more efficient way to manage employee relationships.

Creative Programs and Systems specializes in custom mobile apps for both iPhone and Android users.  For more information on what the Android app developers and iPhone applications developers at CPS can do for your growing business check us out at https://www.cpsmi.com.

iPhone Apps: Why Do They Seem to Perform Slower After Every iOS Update

I am not sure if I am the only one that notices but every time an update to my iPhone occurs my phone acts like a dinosaur.  It seems so much slower than before the update, each and every time.  Why?

Even though I have not downloaded any new mobile apps and am not using my iPhone any more than I previously was, the phone is downright slow.  I have heard it repeatedly from many iPhone users, but it seems to continue.  That leads me to wonder if it’s happening, is Apple doing it on purpose.

Battery Issues?

Some investigating into the health of the iPhone has been done over the years by several different outlets.  Some truth has been found to the claim as some users have found that once the batteries of older iPhones are replaced the phones seem to speed up.  What was found is that Apple’s iPhone processor seems to slow down after the battery hits several recharge cycles.

The issue in the past with iPhone batteries is that they have said there was life left on the battery, but the phone still shuts down without warning.  It was found that the same processor is used in in a variety of iPhones and the issue occurs throughout.  Apple also stated that they use Lithium-ion batteries which become less reliable in colder temperatures, when the battery has a low charge, or it is an older battery.

When an iPhone battery or processor ages it naturally decreases in efficiency and apps perform slower.    To combat this known defect Apple released a feature that helps to level out peak instances.  The new feature prolongs the battery by slowing it down over the lifetime of the phone.

Solutions To Speed Problems

If the speed of your mobile apps is affecting the way in which you interact with your phone there are a couple of things that users have offered as solutions.  One is to replace the batteries in the phone.  This simple fix allows the phone to basically function as new.  The battery life is set back to one.  Now, this process is not as simple as changing the batteries in your television remote.  To update the battery in your iPhone you will need to make an appointment at one of many Apple stores.  Having the battery replaced at an Apple store also help to avoid voiding the warranty.

Users can also choose to upgrade their phones.  Most note that IOS updates always seem to occur around the release of a new model iPhone, coincidence?  I think not!

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive  IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residentia

Custom Mobile App Development vs Template Designs

A single mobile app concept can literally change the way we operate in the world today. App ideas like Facebook, Uber, and Pinterest are extremely popular today, not because they have been initiated by famous people but rather the innovative approach of these mobile applications that has surprised the technological world.

What is the difference between custom-built apps and template-based apps? In nutshell, an application programmer for mobile devices creates a custom application from scratch, to fit perfectly to your specific needs, by writing the code for each function. And they will create new codes to give your application the unique features that you and your team recognize are appropriate to meet the goals of your own application.

On the other hand, a template-based mobile application is when a designer uses existing models as the basic framework on which to import and “copy-and-paste” their designs. What are the practical disadvantages of template-based applications?

  1. Custom apps are tailored to your specific needs

Template-based applications are limited in terms of functionality, both now and in the future. Basically, what you get with a template is limited to the features that come with it.

However, with a custom built application you can edit, refine and modify according to your needs, where you only pay for “adding” or “remodeling” without having to eliminate everything.

  1. Custom app development is unique and authentic

Unlike Custom-built, application templates are not originally designed to attract many end-users. They, therefore, combine several characteristics recognized by designers to attract a general market instead of adapting to the unique nature and needs of their specific features.

  1. Templates are outdated

Template-based mobile apps are usually based on older code designs because they were developed a long time before you realized them: Therefore, might not conform with the latest running OS on the IOS or Android.

  1. Troubleshooting

Using Android as an example. There are thousands of different Android smart devices. with varying sizes of screens, operating platforms, and manufacturers. Proper coding of an application to run on so many devices is a very complex task, requiring a high level of experience that only the best code developers have. No mobile app template can guarantee the possibility of creating an application compatible with all available Android devices.  Therefore, the average mobile app template normally works properly between 3% and 8% of Android devices. On the contrary.

  1. Templates are not usually optimized for search engines

A major disadvantage of a mobile app designed with a template is that they cannot normally be “SEO” (search engine optimization, also known as “app discovery”). Without proper SEO, search engines do not place the app in the appropriate categories. So, when you look at different categories of applications, you will see that many applications appear that have nothing to do with your searched results, even when you do a search with the app name.

You must evaluate the costs and benefits of each type of application. If you do not understand what is needed it is easy to end up with an app that doesn’t meet your need.  A personalized, custom designed mobile app, with appropriate “SEO”, is one of the best commercial tools and/or marketing investment that any company can achieve. It is an investment that will yield desired results over and over. Whereas a template-based designed app will offer a much lower return on investment.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive  IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at https://cpsmi.com.


How Combining Professional Website Design and SEO Can Boost Your Online Business

When an online business launches a new website, careful consideration goes into their online image including the websites design and usability. Websites should be designed in a manner that allows visitors easy access to answers they are seeking. However, all of that is wasted if customers never visit a business’s website in the first place.

Search engine optimization, SEO is one part of a company’s marketing mix that helps to create a strong foundation for your company’s content strategy. On page content that is featured prominently in organic searches that beats out the competition for customer attention is just one goal. Good SEO design begins with the websites layout. Whether your business is currently designing your website or not, it’s important to ensure it’s getting the best search results possible.


SEO encompasses a series of activities that makes your website rank higher on various search engines. These activities include executing an SEO strategy, choosing to focus on long-tail keywords for website pages, and constantly generating new content on a blog. Search engines frequently update their search algorithm, which can be a problem for marketers and web designers. If you are running your own SEO strategy, you’ll need to monitor the changes and adjust accordingly.

Professional Website Design

Web design is the process of creating a website. This includes, layout design, graphics design, navigation, metadata, responsiveness to different resolutions, and content production. Web design also involves ensuring the website is programmed correctly and optimizing the speed. A professional website design communicates your brand messaging to the world, tells the story of your company, describes your services and products and can even sell directly online.

Combining both boost your online business, below are some aspect of SEO and website design that boost your online business.


Navigation involves SEO and web design principles. The easier it is to navigate your site and find the information needed, the longer a visitor will stay on your site. A longer session leads to better SEO rankings. If customers cannot find what they’re looking for easily, they will abandon the site, and this affects your SEO ranking negatively. You can design an easily navigable site by using descriptive URLs, giving readers directions to find certain materials, and limiting the number of drop downs and sub-drop downs in your menus.


Engagement on a web page depends on two things: the design and the content. To enhance the engagement on a page, you want the design to be pleasing to a reader’s eye because people make quick conclusions about a website based on appearance. Following the appearance is your content which is also a vital way of keeping a visitor on your site. Your homepage content should hook the visitor and make him want to read on. Content fall under both SEO and web design as content will help your SEO ranking and determine if a visitor stays on your page.


It is easy to focus on the visual appeal and website content over the mechanics behind how your website functions. This however often leads to a slower than average site that is bloated with useless information. If the website is slow upon loading people will abandon their effort. Many elements can come into play that can lead to a slow site; website elements including plugins, sharing buttons, and JavaScript that has not been optimized. All these are consequences of a poor website design. Search engines incorporate a variety of metrics into the algorithms they use to determine which sites are the most useful to users and therefore deserve higher organic rankings. This can include the use of keywords and long tailed keyword phrases, site links, and individual page load times. If your site loads too slow, search engines will favor other sites over it.

In conclusion, when SEO and a Professional web design come together, the result is a user-friendly, informative, and easy to find website that will maximize your sales.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at www.cpsmi.com.  To contact one of our IT experts, call 810.224.5252 today or via email at info@cpsmi.com.

Computer Maintenance: Everything You Need to Know

Computers have become a vital item that everyone needs to use on a regular, if not daily basis.  While many people, especially the younger generations, thrive with technology, some of us simply need to take things slow as we learn about each aspect of these devices.  Thankfully, the basics are extremely easy to learn about, which means that you can take care of some of your own minor computer needs and repairs.

One of the first things that you will want to ensure is completed on your computer is the installation of an anti-virus software.  Of course, once you have this software installed, you will want to make sure that it is scanning your computer for viruses frequently and that you keep the software up to date.  These scans can be set to automatically run in the background.

If you are noticing that your computer is running slower than usual or that you are having issues with certain websites, you may think that it is time to take your computer in for updates.  However, you may be able to solve these issues on your own by simply clearing the cache on your browser.

We know that you are grabbing snacks to devour as you are working on your computer, and while there is nothing wrong with that, you will find that your keyboard and computer can get a little dirty after a while.  A buildup of crumbs underneath the keys of your keyboard can also prevent you from typing the way that you want to, which is why we recommend keeping all these areas clean.  A damp cloth will keep surface stains away, while compressed air can eliminate all those crumbs and the dust that has become stuck to them.

Many people are tempted to keep their laptops plugged into the outlet for long periods of time, or forever, but it is not something that we recommend that you do.  The reason for this is that you will find that after a while, your battery will not be able to hold a charge for any length of time, which means that you will not be able to use it unless you have an outlet nearby.

One of the best things that you can do to prolong the life of your computer is making sure that you turn it off each night, or when you are done using it for the day.  This is one of the most important computer services that we recommend, and you will find that your computer will last months or even years longer than any of the ones that you have owned in the past.

It doesn’t take a certified technician to complete certain computer services or computer repairs, which is why we are confident that you can take care of the items above, as well as a few others.  Of course, there are certain computer repairs or computer services that only a person well-versed in computers should tackle, and those are the ones that you should steer clear of at all times!

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at www.cpsmi.com.  To contact one of our IT experts, call 810.224.5252 today or via email at info@cpsmi.com.



In-House or Outsourced IT Services: Which is Best for Your Business?

Businesses of all sizes struggle with their own set of challenges. Amongst the challenges for small and mid-sized businesses, is that business owners often insist on doing everything themselves.  The age-old adage, jack of all trades, master of none has not lost its meaning in 2018.  Far too many business owners try to handle managed IT services on their own or in-house with employees that are not necessarily up on the latest in IT.  The problem with this is that they are unaware of all that is involved in creating a successful IT solution for their business.

Properly managing IT systems for a company of any size involves:

  • Increasing equipment longevity
  • Boost system uptime
  • Monitor staff productivity
  • Secure data and systems
  • Patch management and updates
  • Oversee server reliability
  • Routine disaster recovery drills and tests
  • Hardware procurement and monitoring
  • Network management
  • Software licensing, installation, and upgrades
  • Filtering for spam
  • Server setup and management
  • Email maintenance
  • Detection and removal of spyware
  • Data backup systems
  • Disaster recovery solutions

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list but servers to point out the myriad of services that are typical within managed IT services.  Most, if not all these activities require a highly specialized skillsets to perform.  Business owners who skirt these issues by attempting to do all of them on their own will quickly find themselves swamped and unable to execute them effectively, not mentioning the hours that go into running their business.  Even worse, many try to pass the buck onto employees who are unskilled in IT which causes several other problems, including less time to focus on their own tasks.

Outsourcing Managed IT Services

The solution, outsourcing managed IT services to an outside firm or team of professionals who specialize in IT services.  There are several benefits of outsourcing your business’s IT services including:

  • Protection against outages and downtime
  • Cost-effective
  • Disaster recovery
  • Increased data security

Outsourcing IT services means that instead of relying on your own knowledge or employees that are unskilled in IT you can trust in a team of experts that are not only trained to perform IT tasks but is resourced to do so with maximum efficiency.  No business owner wants to deal with downtime caused by equipment failure or server crashes.  Qualified managed IT professionals have all the resources to handle your business while preventing outages.

Outsourcing your businesses IT services can be more cost-effective in the long run.  Consider that salaries for technology experts are on the higher end of the scale. Recent estimates show starting salaries for technology professionals hover right above $50,000 a year. This means small to midsized businesses would be hard-pressed to afford to hire a permanent team to staff their IT department. Outsourcing IT work to an outside firm can help mitigate against the costs of hiring a permanent IT in-house team.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at www.cpsmi.com.  To contact one of our IT experts, call 810.224.5252 today or via email at info@cpsmi.com.

Professional Computer Consulting Saves Time and Money

Nowadays businesses cannot run without technology.  Business comes to a startling halt when software or program failures occur.  When technology goes awry it affects day to day business.  Most companies can’t afford the costs associated with downtime but also can’t absorb the expense of having an IT specialist on their payroll to fix issues with technology as they arise.  A middle ground is reached through contract services in the form of managed IT.

Computer consultants are a precious commodity for businesses of all sizes. IT consultants are able to contract with a number of companies to basically be on call for a flat monthly service fee or hourly rate depending on the option that best fits your company’s IT needs.  Some IT companies specializing in only one service whereas others venture into the tech world as a whole.  Companies, such as Creative Programs and Systems offer clients a variety of services from website design to computer consulting which allows for an all-inclusive approach to IT services.

Hiring an IT consultant can save your company quite a bit of time and money in a variety of ways.  For one there is no need for training or continued education to keep employees up to date with the latest technological advancements.  There isn’t a need to pay employees overtime to work on computer issues after business hours or benefits which helps save on overhead expenses.  Contracted services also don’t require paid sick time, vacation, or the expense of recruiting and training new employees when staff turns over.

Hiring IT consulting services is a win/win for business owners as well.  From computer consultants, professionals can also learn how to more effectively run their business as those experts have picked up many new tricks of the trade from working with numerous companies over the years.  A more efficiently run business will earn more money with less effort, which is helpful to those who are trying to find time to expand their services and grow their businesses.

Business owners who hire computer consultants will find that they are spending twenty-five to fifty percent less than they would if they hired their own on staff IT specialist.  Computer consultant services are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, that is a great deal for any business.  With this comes computer maintenance services, changes with websites, solving emergencies to eliminate downtime, and more.

By hiring computer consultant’s business owners and employees alike can focus more on everyday tasks rather than dealing with technological issues.  Instead they can simply pick up the phone and make a call or send an email regarding the issues that are occurring, and a consultant will either remote in to your network or go on-site to ensure your problem is quickly taken care of.

Managed IT services not only save time but also money while making life simpler.  Often in business the simple solution costs more, however in the case of computer consulting, it is in fact the most economical option.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at www.cpsmi.com.  To contact one of our IT experts, call 810.224.5252 today or via email at info@cpsmi.com.