Five Ways to Generate Medicare Leads

Getting Medicare leads can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Having more than one source for lead generation is best to create a steady stream of clients. Beyond the usual social media advertising, here are five ways to generate Medicare leads:

  1. Networking
    Try to create a network of people who can recommend you to prospects in need of Medicare. Start building partnerships with your clients to discuss opportunities and build a mutually beneficial relationship. Getting involved in your community is another way to generate leads. Participate in groups, meetings, etc., and try to get your name out as much as possible.
  • Referrals
    One of the oldest tactics in the book, personal referrals make up a large part of business recommendations. Up to 92 percent of consumers trust referrals from people they know. It might be a more challenging path to cross, but it’s worth the effort. Online reviews and social media/website referrals count, too!
  • Direct Mail
    Up to 70 percent of Americans think direct mail is superior to the Internet when it comes to personal relationships. Even in today’s digital world, direct mailers are one of the most effective ways to get Medicare leads. Contact information that will lead consumers to your website, landing page, or blog should be included.
  • Print Advertising
    Still quite relevant in today’s digital world, more than 80 percent of consumers act on direct-print mail advertisements compared to only 45 percent for electronic advertisements. Online ads have a reputation for being misleading, so print remains the most trusted marketing information source. Since they are so straightforward, they give the business more credibility.
  • Webinars
    An excellent way to demonstrate your expertise, webinars also let some of your personality shine through. If you have an e-mail database, send your webinar information to your ideal audience. They have already shown an interest in what your business has to offer. Webinars are ideal for solidifying that trust and closing the deal.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides seniors who are affiliated with credit unions, labor unions, and associations an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Why an Insurance FMO Can Help Your Business

A Field Marketing Organization (FMO) can help market, sell, and distribute various insurance products; at Omega, we focus on Medicare Advantage and Supplement plans. To provide our clients with the best possible service, we focus solely on the Medicare realm.

Carriers have added efficiencies and are often offered contracts by agents that they might not otherwise be able to access. When you choose to work with an FMO, you are essentially selecting a business partner to help grow your company. There are countless aspects of managing your company; from training and certification to carrier contracting and enrollment processing, you will surely have plenty to learn and do as an insurance agent. To help ease some of your stress and mitigate the learning curve, read on to discover how partnering with an FMO can help your business:

Enrollment Processing: A significant benefit of using an insurance agent’s services, this process can be more complex than initially thought. It’s essential to have the most recent carrier enrollment forms, complete client information, and supplemental information for specific plan changes. You should be able to update carrier forms, checklists, and guides effortlessly. Most FMOs provide back-end support to process and submit enrollment applications.

Training and Certification: Annual AHIP certification and staying current with yearly changes and new products is vital for success as an insurance broker. These tasks require a lot of training. A solid FMO should provide you with all the resources necessary to get – and stay – certified, take on new products, educate your clients, and remain successful in your arena.

Carrier Contracting: Most FMOs have existing contracts with multiple carriers and products to make the process more streamlined for you to provide a greater number of plans and benefit options to your clients. It is possible to work directly with carriers and obtain individual contracts for each one.

Compliance: To help your clients understand all the available options, you must be knowledgeable about each product and abide by the guidelines. To get clients their best coverage at the best rate, it’s paramount to work with a well-established FMO.

Office Support: Insurance agencies have almost never-ending case management, enrollment tracking, payment processing, etc. A strong FMO will provide the back-office support you require. You’ll quickly learn how to manage your book of business, claims, track paperwork, and handle overall office duties.

Marketing Services: Multi-level marketing can be a complex creature, but a good FMO will have that under control. To approach new targets, stay connected with your existing customer base, and become more of an authority, an experienced FMO will provide marketing support across all channels.

Get started with a trusted FMO like Omega Benefit Strategies today. We can help take your company to the next level.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides seniors who are affiliated with credit unions, labor unions, and associations an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

How Wearable Technology is Affecting Medicare

An emerging trend in the healthcare industry is wearable technology, which is reshaping how Medicare brokers advise their clients. Major carriers are not adopting policies that incorporate wearable technology.

Just what exactly is wearable technology? These devices are commonly worn as bracelets or rings and can monitor or track major health concerns among Medicare beneficiaries. Activities such as sleep health, eating habits, exercise, and more disease precursors are all monitored by the individual (and the app) who pays attention to trends and spikes.

Rosamaria Marrujo, a board member of the Sacramento Association of Health Underwriters (SAHU), says, “These factors could theoretically bring down insurance premiums and therefore change how clients choose their Medicare policies.”

Regulations on wearable technology are underdeveloped relative to the expansion they are seeing. Despite a rising concern for public health due to possible privacy violations, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) does not classify wearable technology as medical devices. In California, the Consumer Privacy Act went into effect in January 2020, allowing people to stop companies from selling their information upon request. With this implementation, a movement could be sparked, igniting stricter regulations for wearable technology in the health insurance market.

“Both the advancement in wearable tech and these new privacy chances are influencing how older clients are deciding on healthcare plans. The bottom line is, this trend is not stopping; it has already reached Medicare beneficiaries who have questions. The successful Medicare brokers will be able to anticipate this and explain the impact to their clients,” said Marrujo.

For more information about offering Medicare to your clientele, contact the experts at Omega Benefit Strategies today.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides seniors who are affiliated with credit unions, labor unions, and associations an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing packages seamlessly integrate with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Five Tips to Maximize Your Brand Visibility with Experiential Marketing

As you review your brand’s marketing strategy for the new year, you might be leaning toward experimental marketing, which can provide more of a Return on Investment (ROI) than traditional advertising sources. Experiential marketing (also known as engagement marketing) invites an audience to interact with a business in a real-world situation. Using hands-on, tangible branding material, the company can showcase its goals, values, and offerings.

  1. Consider your audience: While experimental marketing is a wonderful way to connect with your audience, in the COVID-19 era, it might not be the best strategy for everyone. Before implementing your plan, consider who you are trying to reach. Think about the best way to connect with them in the safest and most comfortable way possible.
  2. Utilize technology: The best way to reach your customers might be through a social media platform such as Facebook Live, Instagram, or YouTube. There are many tools available online to orchestrate virtual events, meetings, and the like. These applications are beneficial for complying with state or local COVID-19 protocol. Moreover, you can expand your reach through technology, as some people might not have participated if not for a virtual setting.
  3. Create focus groups: When looking to implement experiential marketing, develop unique ideas through focus groups. Discover how these individuals react to specific strategies to gauge how your audience will respond. Engaging focus groups will help predict your overall audience reactions.
  4. Be bold: Fully understand your marketing strategy while delivering a clear and concise message. Create a world where your audience can fully engage in your story. Provide delightful, shocking, and surprising marketing campaigns. Showcase your brand and give your audience tools to share it with the world.
  5. Plan accordingly: Take educated risks without rushing too much. It’s easy to get excited and start implementing ideas, but don’t get sloppy. Your audience of customers can easily scrutinize, so make sure your strategy is strong, direct, and can stand up to opposition.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides seniors who are affiliated with credit unions, labor unions, and associations an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Three Tips to Deliver a Strong Insurance Pitch

Three Tips to Deliver a Strong Insurance Pitch

Insurance sales can be challenging. It requires a balance of friendly tactics blended with your promotional. All too often, sales-driven rhetoric seems overbearing to clients. On the other hand, being too friendly can drive people away as well. To avoid either of these situations, it is a good idea to rehearse the insurance sales pitch tips below. This three-step process is a foolproof way to offer a stronger proposal to your clients. Feel free to tweak and customize the steps to benefit your individual needs.

Your Role
The first step is to define your role, being clear about your expectations, limitations, and goals in a clear, concise manner. Try to explain what you do – or can accomplish – in one or two sentences. Figure out the fundamental things every client will need to know and feel before doing business with you. Outline your services, results, and emotions without oversharing. Entice your clients and leave just enough questions to pique their curiosity, so they will have to refer to you for more information.

The Solution
Insurance is all about an answer or solution to a problem. A crucial aspect of your pitch is to demonstrate your knowledge and ability to formulate solutions. Keeping your audience engaged is a critical factor in separating yourself from other insurance agents. One idea is to consider your client’s biggest problem and offer an answer with an added benefit. Offering a resolution provides proof that you can – and have – delivered on your promises. Ousting their doubts and proving you have what it takes makes all the difference.

Persuade clients to take action by putting the ball in their court. Use urgency and action-oriented verbs to appear confident, empowering your client to move forward with you. Avoid falling flat at the end of your pitch, and be as upfront as possible. Frame it in a way where the client simply cannot say no or refuse. It’s important not to rush or ramble, so take your time and speak clearly.

For Medicare insurance strategies or to speak with a customer representative who can help you offer insurance to your clients, contact the experts at Omega Benefit Strategies today.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides senior credit union members an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

How Leaders Gain Followers in Business

All leaders have at least one follower, yet today’s leadership industry is built on the idea that leaders are superior to followers. This outdated thinking encompasses professionals in the military, business, family, and other relationships. People can browse courses, flip through books, attend workshops, and scan articles for information regarding leadership. From crooks to retired five-star generals, many people are curious as to how they gained success in their endeavors and popularity among their peers. 

Followership, those who choose their leaders carefully, are blatantly ignored as the topic of books, articles, and workshops. Limited research and articles regarding subordinates focus on their behavior in the context of leadership development as opposed to followers’…and oftentimes mistakenly assume followers are amorphous. For these reasons, deeply devoted followers are intertwined and categorized with those who loosely and mindlessly tag along.

To be an effective leader, it is imperative to pay attention to your followers. Know the difference between wants and needs, delivering both at your discretion. Moreover, it is always a good idea to incorporate the following strategies into your daily interactions.

Integrity: Keep your intentions pure and actions transparent. This opens a window for your followers to see your true objectives. Integrity is the choice between convenience and what’s right. Remind yourself and ask internally how your actions will be reflected to others.

Trust: Followers want to know, with complete absolution, that leaders are working for their best interest. Gaining complete trust allows leaders to unlock the potential within followers. With trust, you can achieve motivation and unification while acting as a guide with rationale. By elevating your team, they will work more efficiently, which lets you focus on other things.

Influence: To gain the ever-important trust, you must first use your position to transfer your ideas into the hearts of your followers. Messages are important, but deliveries are even more effective. Influence leads to trust and encompasses integrity; it’s not just about what you say, it’s about what you actually do. Leaders can influence by example and those who stand out influence by showing their actions always equal their words.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides senior credit union members an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Who is Eligible for Medicare?

Medicare has been around for 55 years, providing health insurance to Americans 65 and older as well as those with disabilities. The process of qualifying for the program is not automatic. Read more to find out whether you are eligible.

People 65 or older

  • If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident for at least five years and
  • You are receiving Social Security or railroad retirement benefits or have worked long enough to be eligible but have not yet collected
  • You or your spouse is a government employee/retiree who has not paid into Social Security but paid Medicare payroll taxes while employed

People 64 and younger

  • If you have been entitled to Social Security disability benefits for at least 24 months (inconsecutive is okay) or
  • You receive a disability pension from the Railroad Retirement Board and meet specific rules or
  • You have Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), which qualifies you immediately or
  • You have permanent kidney failure (regular dialysis or a kidney transplant), and you or your spouse has paid Social Security taxes for a period determined by your age

Other ways
If you are a legal U.S. citizen or have been a resident for at least five years, you can receive full Medicare benefits at age 65 or older. You have to buy into them by:

  • Paying premiums for Part A: hospital insurance. The amount you have to pay depends on how long you have worked; the more work, the higher your credit amount. The credits are based on your income and the amount of time it takes to earn a credit change every year. In 2020, one work credit was earned for every $1,410 in earnings, a maximum of four credits per year. The maximum premium is paid ($458 in 2020) if you accrued less than 30 work credits. If you have 30 to 39 credits, you pay less. If you gain 40 credits and continue working, you will no longer pay these premiums.
  • Paying consistent monthly premiums as other Part B enrollees: doctor visits and other outpatient services. In 2020, the amount totals $144.60 for those with an income of $87,000 or less. Those filing a joint tax return with $174,000 in revenue or less also have the same total amount. Rates increase for those with higher incomes.
  • Paying the same monthly premium for Part D: prescription drug coverage.

To enroll in Part B, you do not have to register in Part A. If you buy Part A, you must also enroll in Part B. Part D can be purchased if you are enrolled in either Part A or B. You cannot enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan or buy a Medigap supplemental insurance policy unless you are enrolled in both Parts A and B.

For more information, head to the Eligibility & Premium Calculator at To enroll in Medicare or learn about your options, contact the experts at Omega Benefit Strategies today.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides senior credit union members an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Five Reasons Why Credit Unions Should Shift Marketing Efforts to Baby Boomers

Many credit unions currently focus marketing efforts on millennials, as they will soon make up 75% of the United States workforce. However, baby boomers are presently in need of support, information, and tend to have more disposable income. Continue reading to find out why baby boomers should be your target marketing effort.

  1. Spending: Baby boomers already spend the most among the U.S. generations and will continue to increase over the next two decades. Researchers estimate that within 20 years, baby boomer spending will reach 60 percent, while millennial expenditures will increase by 25 percent.

  2. Engagement: Baby boomers are more adept at personal engagement and are highly attentive to topics they care about. Since many of them are approaching retirement, they take opportunities to learn and understand the landscape they are entering. They prefer phone calls or personal touches as opposed to millennials, who are more adept at virtual and technological avenues.

  3. Loyalty: Baby boomers are incredibly loyal, especially when it comes to brands. Millennials make brands and companies work a lot harder to keep them, while baby boomers are known to be faithful and make referrals when they are satisfied. These customers buy about 66 percent more than non-loyal members throughout the membership.

  4. Volume: Half of the entire U.S. population is 50 or older; 10,000 people are aging into government systems such as Medicare and Social Security daily. The largest wave of baby boomers (those born in 1957) will peak in 2022, increasing numbers until that time. Retirement information is sought out as a valuable resource.

  5. Targeting: You can reach millennials through baby boomers. Most baby boomers influence their loved ones – especially kids and grandkids – millennials included. They have close relationships with their children and are influential in their brand and product choices. In fact, 63 percent of millennials use all or many of the same brands as their elders.

For more information or to speak with a representative about directing your marketing efforts to baby boomers, contact the strategists at Omega today.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides senior credit union members an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

CUNA Mutual Invests in Medicare Agency

Coverage Insurance Solutions announced they will be working with CUNA Mutual Group and examine opportunities to offer Medicare insurance options to credit union members. Founder and CEO of Coverance, Chris Mullins, said the company uses senior-focused marketing, data analytics, and automation designed to improve how seniors purchase Medicare insurance.

The COVID-19 pandemic showcases the importance of proper Medicare insurance for seniors. This has accelerated an upward trend toward centralized call centers, which were traditionally answered by insurance agents in person.

Mike Sekits, managing director of Strandview, said “We have sponsored this management team at two previous successful companies enjoying a very similar business model. The Coverance team has deep experience marketing complex financial services to seniors. They are employing a proven business model – including a highly-efficient call center, state-of-the-art technology, and a highly-effective marketing strategy – to build a leading brand in the Medicare insurance market.”

Strandview Capital’s website said strategic and opportunistic growth capital are provided to companies in the financial software and services sector. “We have established expertise and success investing in companies that are recession-resistant or even thrive in uncertain economic times. We typically lead structured, minority equity investments of $5 million to $15 million per company, and we are often the only institutional investors alongside management.”

CUNA Mutual Group is worth $25 billion in assets and offers commercial and consumer insurance, retirement and investment solutions, and business solutions including data and analytics, lending capabilities, and marketing services.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides senior credit union members an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Five Essential Business-To-Business Marketing Strategies

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing strategies are generally accomplished using direct and outbound techniques, but there are other ways to reach clients. The goal is to have the audience respond and engage with your services based on your compelling and persuasive efforts. B2B has expanded, and the behavior of professional service buyers has shifted. In our technology age, buyers are now much more likely to do a quick Google search than check personal references.

  • Research: The foundation of modern marketing efforts, these detailed studies will help you make more informed decisions. You will discover an objective basis for your marketing and gain valuable baselines to measure results. Knowing your client’s better – results in better service. Moreover, you will gain insight into how your processes are performing. Studies show the impact of research improves client base by triple- to tenfold, and are almost two times more profitable than companies that don’t pursue research.
  • High-performance website: Today’s technology space has placed websites at the forefront of marketing experience, making it a crucial asset. Successful websites are hubs of a firm’s online presence; an information-rich projection of its expertise. Essential in building visibility, websites enable you to demonstrate your businesses’ knowledge and become well-known in the industry. Eighty percent of people browse a website when checking out service providers. Overall design is also crucial, as it can influence your audience’s perceptions, aid recall, and intuitively differentiate a business. Lastly, ensure your website has a responsive design, which allows it to adapt across a range of devices such as computer screens, smartphones, and tablets.
  • Advertising: Industry publications, websites, social media, Search Engine Optimization/Marketing, and retargeting strategies all play a significant role in increasing downloads, expertise, and visibility. Certain social media platforms have a higher rate of success in B2B arenas. It’s imperative to select the best advertising type based on budgets, ad purposes, targeting, and industry niches.
  • Marketing: Different types of marketing including referrals, automation, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and e-mail campaigns are all critical to B2B success. Be sure to choose the proper marketing automation tool for your business by ensuring the size, complexity, and prospective scalability is an appropriate fit for your needs. CRM tracks and organizes client information along with potential opportunities. It serves as a database for information collected which can then be stored and assessed by employees across the company.  
  • Analytics: Results need to be weighed and measured to be effectively understood. Site traffic, SEO results, and detailed social media analytics all work together to help you fully comprehend what strategies are working and which ones need improvement.

To learn more about B2B strategies for credit unions and other associations, contact the experts at Omega benefit strategies today. We can provide you with the tools you need to connect with your senior members.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides senior members an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: