Michigan Medicare Supplemental Plans Effects

Have you ever wondered what Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans in Michigan  are made to do? They will support health care cost which are not covered by the original Medicare plan. Michigan coverage costs are not the same from company to company and with different plans since different organizations charge different premiums. Michigan supplemental insurance also designed to help pay for co-payments and deductibles. Keep in mind, seniors who are enrolled in a Medicare advantage plan are not allowed to have a Medicare Supplemental Plan. Clear identity and labeling with letters should be provided for all supplemental policies. These specific policies are required to have comparable if not identical benefits. To make things more clear, on our Michigan Medicare supplemental insurance plans page we have a chart that breaks down the benefits of each plan.

What About what Medicare Doesn’t Cover?

It is important to realize that Medicare policies do not cover such expenses of long-term care, eyeglasses, dental care etc. The insurance providers can decide which types of policies they sell but state laws decide the policies which are offered. From time to time, insurance providers will sell you a policy regardless of any health issues you may currently have especially if you are applying during a open enrollment period. To learn more about what Medicare covers you can visit the official site.

Looking for Professional Help

It is critical for you to make sure that the provider you deal with is a licensed broker. We are a Michigan fully licensed insurance agency, dedicated to customer service. We offer a toll-free number that you can call us at and you may ask us any questions! All of our agents are based in the United States.

Price vs Coverage

The biggest part of how Michigan Medicare supplemental insurance affects you is price Vs coverage. The decision to make: Is it better to spend more for coverage you may use in the future or is it to the advantage to save a little cash and only spend the minimum?  No person is the same and the choice is yours for the taking, we are here to help if you have any more questions that may arise.

How to choose the right Michigan supplemental plan?

Everyone is different, and so is your medical coverage. A good place to start is by researching the 10 standardized supplemental insurance plans and choice the best option for you. After all you know yourself the better than anyone else does! If the decision was ours, we think it is better to get a little more of a plan than you think you will need. That way if down the road you need a little more care you will have it.

If your still feeling lost, at least know that your in the right direction since you have determined that you at least need the coverage. Understanding that your Medicare insurance doesn’t meet all your medical related expenses will make you better able to determine things you do need. Keep a list of all the medical related things you would want your policy to cover and discuss these with us. Please call us at 877-202-9248, or visit our website at www.emedicare-supplemental-insurance.com. We are more than happy to help you with your Medicare needs.

Human Biological Review

Single Donors give a benevolent measure of either their blood or its parts like plasma, serum, and platelets. Pooled or random donation occurs when two or more human combine to donate the components of blood to help others.

Components of Human Blood

Human blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, serum, and plasma. The main difference between white blood cells and red blood cells is the presence of hemoglobin in the former and absence of it in the latter. Plasma, a yellow liquid has the greatest volume in blood i.e. 55%, while serum has the lowest one.

Plasma and serum are usually used for different tests; however, both are further used for additional purposes. Plasma separation from blood takes more time than the separation of serum. Also, in case of plasma, the division requires anticoagulants.

Pooled and Single Serum

Serum does not possess coagulating factors. The serum, a tiny leftover in blood, is collected from single human donors and then pooled under proper scientific regulations. The minimum age to donate is 18. Single Human Serum that contains antibodies is used for the diagnosis and treatment of many infectious diseases as well as immunotherapy.

Pooled and Single Plasma

Pooled Plasma consists of change plasma, acquired from 30 or more human donors. Pooling is a phenomenon in which plasma (separated from blood) donated by numerous human donors is mixed together. There are many companies that purify Human Plasma and turn it into life-saving drugs (that must be prescribed by licensed doctors) for the treatment of cancers and immune disorders as well.

During a plasma aphaeresis donation, the blood is collected by a machine which separates the plasma, red blood cells, platelets, and returns the red blood cells and/or platelets back to the donor.

Human Pooled plasma is used for the treatment of patients who have diminished platelets. Incorporated into the advanced fundamental medication list by World health association, new solidified plasma is used as a part of hemophilia B. It is additionally used to treat people who hereditarily do not have the segments that are regarded essential for blood coagulating.

Pooled and Single Platelets

If there should arise an occurrence of platelets, Single gift happens when a solitary individual gives blood, experiences a procedure of aphaeresis where the machine isolates the platelets and sends the blood back to the contributor. This arrangement is rehashed a few times and the required measure of platelets are acquired from one single giver.

Sometimes it becomes vital to collect blood from many donors. After collection, platelets from each donor are combined for further use. These are termed as pooled platelets. This method is more effective and fast than pooled donor where one unit of a single donor is equivalent to 6-8 units of pooled donor platelets.

Single givers additionally have a lesser possibility of conveying different parts, for example, Red Blood Cells. They are regularly gathered against any unique need that is the reason they have a lesser possibility of getting squandered. Besides, platelets from single contributors can be transfused to any blood gathering.

Innovative Research is a US based, worldwide distributor of a vast array of animal and human biological products ranging from human serum to cyno monkey plasma. You can find out more about these valuable research materials by visiting our website at https://www.innov-research.com or by calling us direct at 888.660.6866.

5 Tips About Medicare Supplemental Insurance

Another name that people can recognize with the term Medicare Supplemental Insurance is Medigap insurance since it is intended to fill gaps in an individual’s primary coverage through Medicare. Qualification for a Medigap policy usually required that the applicant has Medicare before Parts A and B. It is a type of insurance for anyone around the age of 65.  It is used to cover the gaps that Medicare doesn’t cover entirely which can be very enticing to some.

Before engaging in this plan, it is important for you to remember these 5 facts.

  1. 10 Standard Options

Throughout the United States, there are 10 standard options for Medicare Supplement Insurance. Each plan has different benefits so it is of your best interest to find the plan that suits your current needs. These plans are A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M and N with plan A offering the minumim list of benefits and plan F offers the largest amount.

The interesting thing about the Medigap Supplement Insurance market is that the accessibility of brokers who are ready to help you decides what plan best suits your needs. You can still apply for a Medicare Supplement with a new brokerage of a new insurance no matter your previous coverage.

NOTE: Be sure to do research before committing to any plan. This is because only a few companies carry all 10 plans. So, be careful not to fall into this trap.

  1. Enrollment Time Frames

There are a few states like Missouri and California that allow enrollment windows to Medigap beneficiaries every year. Its a good idea to look into your own state, most others have different rules. Generally you can apply for a supplemental policy when around your 65th birthday. If looking for additional information about enrollment take a look at our  Medicare Supplemental Insurance Open Enrollment page.

  1. Need For Coverage

First on your to do list is to figure out that you need this coverage. Once you verify that your Medigap insurance doesn’t include all your medical bills, you will easily discover the things you need no matter which individual insurance company you sign up with. Basically, the main qualification will be the service that they render and the premium that you will be charged for. Look over our Medigap guide page for more information.

  1. Medicare Policy

One thing you need to always remember is that your Medicare policy will not cover your life partner/spouse. Buying two separate policies is a must if you both need coverage. This is quite confusing because using past traditional insurance it did cover spouses.

  1. Premiums

Insurance companies have three individual ways to calculate and set the premiums. Those who use attained age as a basis have the lowest premiums. This is especially valid for the individuals who have just became the age of 65. You will see premiums increase normally every 3 – 5 years, in addition to the inflation rates.

Depending on your age at the time of the purchase, issue age premiums will fluctuate. The main increase for this type of plan is because of Medicare’s inflation adjustments. Another reason, Medicare supplemental insurance rates that use the community-rated technique indicates that everyone in the same region will pay the same premium, paying no attention a persons age. Many states, however, make use of only one method, so it is helpful to research and find out how the insurance companies calculate their rates.

For a free Supplemental rate call us at 877-202-9248 or feel free to browse our website at www.eMedicare-Supplemental-Insurance.com

A Look At Refurbished Linear Accelerators

Radiotherapy works by targeting high-energy gamma ray or electron beams onto cancer cells which are more prone to radiation damage than normal tissue. Refurbished linear accelerators are usually multi-modality ionizing radiation generators with associated imaging devices, currently used for delivery of external beam radiotherapy.

The contemporary linear accelerators provide either 6 MeV photons in the “low energy” range machines or dual/triple photon energy and several energies.

Systems Incorporated With Refurbished Linear Accelerators

  • Multileaf Collimator (MLC) for beam shaping
  • The capability to deliver intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
  • 3D image guidance systems (IGRT)
  • Electronic portal imaging system for image treatment beams

Other additional features may be incorporated into the linear accelerators such as arc-based IMRT delivery, total body irradiation, high-dose rate electrons, and more.  Despite the high capital cost of purchasing them, their high patient turnover throughout over a long lifespan makes them extremely cost-effective compared with other treatment options.

The operation of refurbished linear accelerators should be according to the existing standards and regulations which include:

  • IEC standards
  • Radiation regulations
  • Guidelines for radiotherapy room design

Technical Considerations

The technology used in refurbished linear accelerators is essentially the same for all linear accelerators.  The high energy generation can be achieved either by implanting the “traveling waveguide technology” or by implementing the “standing waveguide technology”.

The first approach is simpler and very reliable, while the second approach features a more stable treatment beam.  The generated radiation beam is flattened and shaped using collimation devices to form a beam matching the shape of the tumor.  The wave guide, the filters, and the collimator are all mounted on a gantry which rotates around the patient, allowing the tumor to be irradiated from multiple directions.  There is a linear accelerator patient coach especially designed to allow irradiation of the patient from multiple directions.

Modern linear accelerators are designed to enable intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT).  This is a dynamic radiotherapy delivery method which enables good control over the three dimensional dose distributions: the delivered beam instead of being flat changes the intensity at different points within the beam.

There are different types of refurbished linear accelerators IMRT delivery methods:

  • Step and Shoot Method: consists of delivering a series of different shaped fields formed by the MLC to build up a variable intensity pattern. The irradiation is stopped between the fields.
  • Dynamic MLC Method: in which the radiation runs constant, while the MLC leaves move across the field at variable speeds.
  • Arc Therapy Method: in which the radiation runs continuously and the gantry collimators and MLC leaves are all moving continuously. The dose rate also varies during the delivery.  Treatments are delivered in an arc, sometimes two.  This is probably the best choice for IMRT.

The multi-leaf collimator is a delicate computer-controlled mechanism.  The performance of the collimator depends on its resolution, the leakage radiation and the system penumbra.

The electronic portal imaging device allows verification of patient position on orthogonal two-dimensional images produced by the high-energy treatment beam.  The detector used for the portal imaging consists of an amorphous silicon indirect detection flat panel imager.

The imager system differs in the degree of complexity of software provided, as well as the ease of use.  The refurbished linear accelerators’ three-dimensional imaging systems can be materialized in three different ways:

  • 1) Applying diagnostic x-ray cone beam, in plain or orthogonal to the linear accelerators’ high energy beam.
  • 2) Using the high-energy treatment cone beam of the linear accelerator.
  • 3) Using a CT machine combined with the linear accelerator.

Record and Verify Systems

In modern radiotherapy departments, the refurbished linear accelerators are operated using record and verify systems, which deliver the treatments, as well as make a record of them.  These systems are usually connected to the general information network, which allows a wide functionality, including booking and scheduling, recording of patient’s notes, recording costs, image handling, and more.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at http://www.acceletronics.com.  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.



Is Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance Important?

We discussed in our last blog on Medicare supplemental insurance in Michigan, how you are being affected by the Medigap Plan among other things is factored depending on one’s location. Beneficiaries who wish to add coverage to their Part A and Part B plans would want to get Medicare Supplement Plan in Arizona.

Medicare supplemental insurance coverage in Arizona looks very similar to what we saw in Michigan with features that include deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. Hospice care and other hospital coverage can also be added.

Medicare vs Medicare Advantage Program

Differences between Medicare supplement health plan in Arizona  can be seen when compared to that of the Medicare Advantage program. The first thing that sets them apart is the way you go about purchasing them. Unlike that of the Advantage program, the Medicare supplemental insurance plan in Arizona is designed to be purchased as a standalone. You can however purchase it in combination with original Medicare.

For beneficiaries in Arizona may need to consider changing from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan if they would want to get the independent purchasing coverage.

Medicare United Through The States

A medical supplemental insurance plan in Arizona is the same when compared to that of Michigan. Here, the insurance plan is lettered up to the tone of 10 standardized letters. These ten standardized letters are available across the country, and each letter offers the same benefit with little regard to the insurance company providing it. Among other letters, the most common letter that is available nationwide is Medigap Plan F. This is the most common available medical insurance plan in Arizona.

However the fact that each of these ten letters offers benefits that make each beneficiary indifferent, the cost may vary depending on the particular company providing each of these benefits. While coverage may not include additional care such as prescription, hearing, vision, and or dental care, it, however, covers insurance while on a trip abroad.

Also similar to what is tenable in Michigan, Medicare supplemental insurance beneficiaries have the choice to enroll in Medicare supplement plan in Arizona during their six-month Medical supplemental insurance open enrollment period, which often begins on the first day of the month that one clocks their 65th year birthday.

During the Medigap enrollment period in Arizona, companies are prohibited from denying beneficiaries the coverage that is due to them, neither are they allowed to charge outrageous premiums to beneficiaries through their pre-existing medical conditions. And after the six-month enrollment period, beneficiaries would have to enroll in a Medigap Plan. However, coverage for pre-existing medical conditions would cease to be a working condition.

How to Choose Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan in Arizona

Just as fore stated, Arizona Medigap plan coverage may be similar to the different lettered plans in Michigan, the cost of the program can vary depending on the insurance company that is involved. However, beneficiaries should select a plan that meets their needs regarding of coverage options. After that, beneficiaries can shop for different plans that are still within their single plan type, all based on the cost of the program.

eMedicare Supplemental Insurance is based in United States and has many knowledgeable, licensed agents ready to help you choose a supplemental health plan. We can also help you with any questions you have regarding Medicare and supplemental health care. Feel free to call us at 1-877-202-9248 or visit our website at www.emedicare-supplemental-insurance.com

Aluminum Fencing Used To Enhance Landscaping

Improving your home surrounding is a way to add value to your property. However, no home improvement is complete without using the right and quality materials for fencing your surroundings to enhance your landscape areas. The idea of beautiful landscape fencing comes with the use of aluminum fencing materials which gives you the benefits of beauty and durability.

Unlike wood fencing material that may weather and collapse due to hard environmental conditions, aluminum fencing materials are known for longevity, beauty, and hardness to withstand insects and harsh weather. The additional benefit of aluminum fencing is affordability which often is the reason many homeowners may not consider fencing due to costs.

The following points discuss the reason to use aluminum fencing for your home landscaping.

  1. Aesthetics enhancement: One of the objectives of home landscaping is to enhance the beauty of the property. But home innovation ideas suggest the need to improve the garden itself to add more beauty to the environment. Aluminum fencing adds a prestigious look to your home and enhances the landscape itself. When handled professionally, it offers the advantages of playing with different ideas to install a perfect fencing that provides security, beauty and durable fencing.
  2. Security and safety of the home:  Metal fencing offers better resistance to human encroachment and weather. When you install a see-through fencing system, you are at peace knowing the fence is strong enough to withstand any approaching force to keep your home secured.
  3. Affordable fencing alternative: When you have to decide between iron and other best fencing alternatives, aluminum offers the best option in term of cost and getting appropriate value an iron fencing material has. The cost difference between aluminum and wrought iron option increases as you aim for more decoration of your fencing and after the project is complete; you will discover that aluminum offers the best price and value for your home.
  4. Easy maintenance: Wood may become rotten, iron may become rusted, but aluminum never bows to changes in weather or get destroyed by insects with time. Therefore, using aluminum fencing helps to enhance the aesthetics of your home as well as provide necessary security to guide you from unlawful encroachment on your property.
  5. Unlimited choices: Choosing aluminum material offers a variety of colors and quality materials. The array of color sufficiently supports the landscaping theme, make and style of aluminum materials to use. From matte gray to shiny black or sandstone finish, aluminum comes in great variety of make and color to meet your needs.
  6. Eco-friendly: Aluminum fencing is earth-friendly providing a guarantee for safe interaction with the environment. From the material used in its making to the color finish, every part of aluminum is 100% eco-friendly and recyclable to maintain a low carbon footprint on your property.

The landscaping improving qualities of aluminum is limited by the imagination and versatility of the fence or landscaping contractor. Aluminum offers ample rooms to wiggle and gets things done correctly. With the right fence designer and contractor, installing an aluminum fence is the best option for every homeowner.

Learn more about iFence USA and their vast line of custom aluminum fencing options with various grades of aluminum fence to choose from including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing at http://ifenceusa.com/residential.php.  To contact one of our aluminum fence experts call toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at info@ifenceusa.com.

Does your Website Need To Be Updated?

How do you know when its time to do website updates?  Especially because not all sites are created equal. There are content updates, application updates and site revises, and then the most important one of all updates is the site re-launch. I can not highlight enough the importance of refreshing your website design with new content and upgrades and, yes, every so often you should take the time and redesign/ re-launch your business website.

The updating frequency will vary on several of factors.

How often to add new content to your website or blog

The mission of each website is unique and so are the updating requirements. You can’t expect a corporate blog to be updated as often as a regular blog or a regular blog as often as a news or sports blog. Below we will go over website updating and blog management in these 4 categories but before we do, lets discuss the topic of outdated web designs.

Outdated web design

If the design of your web site is stuck in the 2000s, then you should consider a refresh. With web technologies changing as fast as smart phones and TV’s, there are new ways to speed up your website and even rank better with Search Engine Optimization. Using a custom coded website you can implement all your ideas and new tech to reach your target audience.

Category 1 – Sports / Fashion / Celebrity / Tech / Lifestyle / Financial / Newspaper / Magazines

For Websites or blogs that deal with trending topics related to sports, fashions and this category, updating with new information several times per day is crucial for their success. There is no limit to the number of updates and generally the more the better. This is because most of their visits are coming from repeating visitors, social media and Google news. Postings of this kind are generally short and to the point and contain a lot of images.

Category 2- Normal Websites / Blogs

In this category you expect to find personal web development blogs, how-to style blogs, informational blogs, wiki, marketing, weight loss, studies, analytics, travel tips, reviews and many more. In this, 3 updates per week are adequate; It is not necessary to update daily unless of course you have the resources to execute such a task.

Category 3 – Corporate Website / Blog

These are business websites that showcase a company and the products/services it is offering. They are among the most difficult types of websites to update frequently because once the initial setup has been created and information about the company is published, there is no need to publish anything again, unless new products get released. Then of course you would want to blog about it.

Category 4 – eCommerce Store

Content marketing is one of the most efficient ways to promote your online store and it is not more difficult than it sounds. You can publish Articles / Videos on how to use your products online, or detailed product reviews, announcement about new products, changes to existing products, special offers and upcoming events.

If you are not sure how often you should update this type of blog? The answer is simple. You always update when you have new high quality content to publish.

Why you should update your website quite often

It improves your SEO

Search engines love content and especially new content. They like to have long quality posts in their index to satisfy their users. A website that is updated regularly is crawled more often, has more pages in the index and more possibilities to boost SEO.

It amplifies social media

If you are using social media marketing to promote your blog many times the problem that destroys your effort is lack of content. Having a website that is updated on a regular basis will give you fuel for your social media promotions.

It’s makes your users happy

Websites are meant to serve users and giving users fresh content makes them happier. A user that enjoys the site most likely come back, convert, register, buy or recommend your website to other people.

It’s a signal that your website or business is active and alive

Updating your website for users shows your business is still active.

We offer Web Design services in Brighton, Michigan and around Livingston County. We are Creative Programs and Systems! We have been designing custom websites before templates or wordpress were a thing! Make your company stand out with a custom web site. Call us today for a free quote at 810-224-5252 or visit our website at www.cpsmi.com



Animal Biologicals and Their Purpose

Scientists use a variety of animal biologicals for many different reasons. they are mainly used to cure diseases or can be preserved for future use. Amongst the various types of biologicals, the ones most commonly collected are animal serum & blood products, raw animal biological products, chicken tissues & organs.

Necessary Conditions to Collect Animal Biologicals

Before the collection of animal biologicals, there are a few conditions that must be met:

  • Animal Biological Collection from a Healthy Organism
  • It is important to confirm that the animal is healthy and free from any kind of contamination.
  • Specimens should never be collected from sick animals.
  • You must check everything regarding parasitic contamination as it affects the integrity of the tissue’s sample.
  • Biologicals are collected within 21 days after the supervision of antibiotics.
  • The animal should have no stressful enviroment. Quality of a sample from an animal under stress raises chances for the sample quality to be compromised.
  • In order to study certain diseases like cancer diabetes, endocrine disease, and Alzheimer’s, biologicals are preferably collected from genetically modified animals.
  • It is recommended to collect the samples using methods that cause minimum pain to the animal.
  • Site Cleaning

Health measures must be kept in mind and maintained before and during the procedure. After collection, the place should be thoroughly cleaned. The site must be properly disinfected and proper equipment should be used. The site should be disinfected using 70% alcohol. Used syringes must be properly disposed of.

  • The process of freezing Animal Biologicals

All specimens/materials collected that are intended to be frozen must be transported on ice to the nearby lab for further examination. In case of risk of virus, it should be frozen in a store where temperatures are maintained under 20-degree Celsius.

For about 5 hours, small animals must be stored at a moderate temperature. For blood sample collections, various chemicals are used that are termed as anti-coagulants; sodium herapin, Sodium EDTA, Alsevers Solution etc. are a few.

Chicken red blood cells are collected from the wings veins of three separate chickens and then mixed with anticoagulants. These chickens are housed in different containers from other chickens.

Use of Forceps

Forceps should be used to preserve small insects.

Collection of Widely used Growth Supplement

The widely used development supplement for cell culture media is fetal bovine serum. It has the highest rate of fast progression of embryonic growth. It supplies many defined and undefined components when used at appropriate concentrations. These components have shown to satisfy specific metabolic requirements for the culture of cells.

Fetal Bovine Serum is collected in a sterile plastic bag and is allowed to clot. After separation from the clot, it is frozen. The key factor is controlling the initial collection to preserve the quality of final serum product, out of which only raw material is approved for production.

Tissue Compilation

Tissues from different animals are preserved using 10% buffered formalin. For longer periods of time they are refrigerated under minus 100 degrees and for shorter periods they are kept at 40 degrees Celsius. These preserved specimens can be used later for long-term issues relating to the health of different species.

Innovative Research is a US based, worldwide distributor of a vast array of animal and human biological products ranging from human serum to cyno monkey plasma.  You can find out more about these valuable research materials by visiting our website at https://www.innov-research.com or by calling us direct at 888.660.6866.

The Difference between Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Sometimes situations arise when you can no longer pay your bills. Although you may have the best intentions of paying off your debt, you simply may not have the means to make this happen. When you can no longer pay your bills, you may need to consider filing bankruptcy for debt resolution. Hopefully, you will have considered your alternatives, but sometimes bankruptcy is the most viable option.

You’ll find both the chapter 7 and chapter 13 in the US bankruptcy code and they both deals with individuals. There are significant differences between the two, and if you plan on filing your petition, meaning without the help of a bankruptcy attorney, then you need to be aware of these differences and make sure you prepare your bankruptcy petition accordingly, though it is not recommended that you go it alone, it’s just too easy to make mistakes and get denied.

What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy means that every non-exempt asset you own will be liquidated to pay your creditors. It is likely that much of the property you own is considered exempt and, therefore, not subject to liquidation. A skilled bankruptcy attorney can take a look at your case and let you know what you would be able to keep should you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you choose to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7, you will be required to take a “means test” to ensure your income is not higher than a certain amount. Should your income exceed that certain amount, you will not be considered eligible to file for Chapter 7 relief?

What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be called “payment plan” bankruptcy. A debtor makes monthly payments to the bankruptcy trustee over the course of 3 – 5 years. Once all payments have been completed, most debts are discharged. How much does a debtor have to pay each month? In a nutshell, a debtor’s monthly payment will be the debtor’s monthly take-home pay minus the debtor’s “reasonable monthly expenses.” A competent bankruptcy attorney will be able to assess your income and expenses and help estimate what your monthly payment will be.

What are the Differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Individuals can file both forms, and they will both have a negative impact on future ability to obtain credit; however, there are some fundamental differences to be aware. The main differences are the control of property and assets and the length of time for court involvement. Under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, individuals give up their rights to excess property and assets and can get out of bankruptcy quickly. In a Chapter 13 filing, the individual will get to keep control of his or her property, but be under court supervision for a more extended period.

Both the chapter 7 and chapter 13 come with pros and cons. So, before you commit to either one, you should sit down with a bankruptcy attorney and go over your obligations and options completely. Weighing out the pros and cons of both types and basing your decision on your current situation, you will be able to decide which route you should go with smoothly.

Bohikian Law Group specializes in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies in Michigan. Contact us today to find a bankruptcy attorney that will help you in debt relief at http://www.bohikianlaw.com/ today.

Different Pool Plaster Materials

When hiring pool plaster companies, you’ve likely heard mentions of the different materials. Something that companies can forget is that you have no idea what the different materials do or the downsides to using particular ones. You’re left looking for the information about the different options.

The next time you need pool plastering, go in armed with information. These are the different materials you need to know about.

White Cement/Marble Mixture

White plaster is one of the most common options, because it gives a clean and bright finish. Many companies will now use a mixture of white cement and marble to create their classic white finish. It’s economical for all, as it is one of the strongest against the pool or spa water. The plaster is reliable and one of the cheapest to lay in the first place.

However, if the pool isn’t maintained properly, the plaster will start to look worn and old. Scaling can start to appear or there may be some shading in certain areas. In more extreme cases, the plaster can start to crack due to the fluctuating chemicals within the water. It is possible to determine the cause, helping you to limit the problems. However, pool plastering will likely need to take place again.

Pozzalans Added to Strengthen Plaster

Pool plaster companies have started adding pozzalans to their plaster (both white and colored plaster). The pozzalans are chemicals added to create stronger plaster that isn’t affected as much by chemical changes within the water. One of the chemicals is silicone-based, which helps to repel the water to protect from attacks.

Using a pozzalan-added plaster is still cost effective. However, the use of the plaster doesn’t solve all long-term problems. A good pool maintenance schedule is still required to keep the finish looking like new.

Colored Ceramic Quartz

Colored plaster is popular for those wanting to match a decor within a pool or to add a brighter look to the water. For example, a grey-colored plaster can help to add more of a blue tint to the pool water. Color ceramic quartz is one of the most popular pool plastering options. Ceramic-coated sand is added to plaster products.

One of the biggest benefits is the decor. All types of colors are available, whether you want a deep red, bright blue, or sea green to finish your underwater look. The ceramic can also add more durability to the plaster. The downside is the cost. The ceramic is usually more expensive, but that cost may be justified with the extra durability.

Pebble Surface Plaster

A fourth option is a pebble surface plaster, which is exactly as it sounds. The plaster is embedded with smooth river pebbles to create a more nature-based look. The pebbles actually help to add more durability to the plaster, so it’s not as likely to be affected by chemical fluctuations in the water.

The biggest downside is the extra cost. However, it will take extreme chemical conditions to damage the surface of the pebbles, making it one of the most cost-effective options.

Talk to pool plaster companies about your plaster material options. Discuss what you would like to achieve with the look and finish, along with the type of chemicals you use in the water. Not only will you get the best pool plastering options, but you will learn the best ways to look after your pool.

Learn more about Pound Pool Plastering and their numerous pool plastering options including: pool resurfacing, plaster surfacing, commercial pool plaster, residential pool plaster, plastering swimming pools, tiling swimming pools, coping swimming pools, and more at www.pound-pool-plastering.com.  To contact our pool plastering specialists call 248.476.4544 today.