How Can Custom Software Programming Help You?

A new year often is a signal of new beginnings, fresh goals, and the enthusiasm to achieve success.  This concept is not only true in many of our personal lives but also in business.  As the new year starts it is a prime time to target top technology needs for your company needs in order to continue to be profitable and flourish amongst top competitors.  

For many companies it is easy to recognize the areas within the organization that need improvement however, implementation process fall short.  It is easy to document and execute when updates to hardware and software are needed within company networks and workstations.  There is often an ease in spotting disconnects between current technology and software that affect the workflow process as well.  Companies, however, often back burner improvements to workflow through custom software development because it can seem daunting.  Sound familiar?

Yes, at first the idea of change especially when it comes to changing the way things have always been done seems overwhelming.  It is important, however, to recognize the old way of doing things is a great way to keep your business stagnant.  The only way to advance is to keep up with advancements in workflow process that keep you competing with emerging and existing competitors.  

Custom app development specifically programmed to the needs and methods of your business not only reduce expenses it can vastly improve efficiency while providing long-term gains to productivity. There are a number of benefits to having software programmed for your specific needs verse buying commercial or off the shelf software models and adjusting your process to match.  Custom software programming allows you to continually adapt the software as you grow, processes change, or future business needs come up. 

Another benefit to having software that is programmed specifically for your company and workflow process is that it allows you to closely examine your current methods.  This gives team members who may not be directly involved in the day to day workflow a chance to see how things are done without being too close to the situation to offer suggestions for improvement. 

Another benefit of custom programmed software is the ability to integrate work processes and procedures currently being used.  Just because you are creating a custom program doesn’t mean you have to start all over again.  Existing software, Excel spreadsheets, and more can all be built into, modified to fit, or integrated as they are into custom CRM software solutions, barcode reader software, QR code systems, or enterprise resource planning services. 

Using software programmed for your company verse off the shelf software programs also allows companies to save on the expenses associated with the costs of yearly maintenance and software renewal that is often associated with commercial software.

Our professional software developers specialize in creating custom workflow solutions for companies in a variety of industries from parks and rec to over the road trucking, Creative Programs and Systems will develop software that integrates your existing systems into one. 

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

iPhone Apps: Why Do They Seem to Perform Slower After Every iOS Update

I am not sure if I am the only one that notices but every time an update to my iPhone occurs my phone acts like a dinosaur.  It seems so much slower than before the update, each and every time.  Why?

Even though I have not downloaded any new mobile apps and am not using my iPhone any more than I previously was, the phone is downright slow.  I have heard it repeatedly from many iPhone users, but it seems to continue.  That leads me to wonder if it’s happening, is Apple doing it on purpose.

Battery Issues?

Some investigating into the health of the iPhone has been done over the years by several different outlets.  Some truth has been found to the claim as some users have found that once the batteries of older iPhones are replaced the phones seem to speed up.  What was found is that Apple’s iPhone processor seems to slow down after the battery hits several recharge cycles.

The issue in the past with iPhone batteries is that they have said there was life left on the battery, but the phone still shuts down without warning.  It was found that the same processor is used in in a variety of iPhones and the issue occurs throughout.  Apple also stated that they use Lithium-ion batteries which become less reliable in colder temperatures, when the battery has a low charge, or it is an older battery.

When an iPhone battery or processor ages it naturally decreases in efficiency and apps perform slower.    To combat this known defect Apple released a feature that helps to level out peak instances.  The new feature prolongs the battery by slowing it down over the lifetime of the phone.

Solutions To Speed Problems

If the speed of your mobile apps is affecting the way in which you interact with your phone there are a couple of things that users have offered as solutions.  One is to replace the batteries in the phone.  This simple fix allows the phone to basically function as new.  The battery life is set back to one.  Now, this process is not as simple as changing the batteries in your television remote.  To update the battery in your iPhone you will need to make an appointment at one of many Apple stores.  Having the battery replaced at an Apple store also help to avoid voiding the warranty.

Users can also choose to upgrade their phones.  Most note that IOS updates always seem to occur around the release of a new model iPhone, coincidence?  I think not!

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive  IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residentia

Custom Mobile App Development vs Template Designs

A single mobile app concept can literally change the way we operate in the world today. App ideas like Facebook, Uber, and Pinterest are extremely popular today, not because they have been initiated by famous people but rather the innovative approach of these mobile applications that has surprised the technological world.

What is the difference between custom-built apps and template-based apps? In nutshell, an application programmer for mobile devices creates a custom application from scratch, to fit perfectly to your specific needs, by writing the code for each function. And they will create new codes to give your application the unique features that you and your team recognize are appropriate to meet the goals of your own application.

On the other hand, a template-based mobile application is when a designer uses existing models as the basic framework on which to import and “copy-and-paste” their designs. What are the practical disadvantages of template-based applications?

  1. Custom apps are tailored to your specific needs

Template-based applications are limited in terms of functionality, both now and in the future. Basically, what you get with a template is limited to the features that come with it.

However, with a custom built application you can edit, refine and modify according to your needs, where you only pay for “adding” or “remodeling” without having to eliminate everything.

  1. Custom app development is unique and authentic

Unlike Custom-built, application templates are not originally designed to attract many end-users. They, therefore, combine several characteristics recognized by designers to attract a general market instead of adapting to the unique nature and needs of their specific features.

  1. Templates are outdated

Template-based mobile apps are usually based on older code designs because they were developed a long time before you realized them: Therefore, might not conform with the latest running OS on the IOS or Android.

  1. Troubleshooting

Using Android as an example. There are thousands of different Android smart devices. with varying sizes of screens, operating platforms, and manufacturers. Proper coding of an application to run on so many devices is a very complex task, requiring a high level of experience that only the best code developers have. No mobile app template can guarantee the possibility of creating an application compatible with all available Android devices.  Therefore, the average mobile app template normally works properly between 3% and 8% of Android devices. On the contrary.

  1. Templates are not usually optimized for search engines

A major disadvantage of a mobile app designed with a template is that they cannot normally be “SEO” (search engine optimization, also known as “app discovery”). Without proper SEO, search engines do not place the app in the appropriate categories. So, when you look at different categories of applications, you will see that many applications appear that have nothing to do with your searched results, even when you do a search with the app name.

You must evaluate the costs and benefits of each type of application. If you do not understand what is needed it is easy to end up with an app that doesn’t meet your need.  A personalized, custom designed mobile app, with appropriate “SEO”, is one of the best commercial tools and/or marketing investment that any company can achieve. It is an investment that will yield desired results over and over. Whereas a template-based designed app will offer a much lower return on investment.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive  IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at