How does PRK laser eye surgery differ from LASIK?

PRK and LASIK vision correction methods are the most popular modern procedures for the correction of astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. While their outcomes are ultimately similar, their procedures differ. Ophthalmologists usually determine the best procedure for a patient depending on the unique laser vision correction needs of the individual. But how does PRK laser eye surgery differ from LASIK?

PRK Laser Procedure

PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) Laser Procedure was the first eye surgery vision correction method – direct predecessor of the LASIK procedure. This procedure involves the removal of the thin outer layer before reshaping the corneal tissue using an excimer laser. Within a few days after the eye surgery, the epithelium repairs itself, growing back over the surface of the cornea.

LASIK Procedure

Lasik is a procedure which involves the creation of a thin flap on the cornea with the aid of a femtosecond or microkeratome laser. The thin flap is lifted in order to expose the corneal tissue, after which it is replaced following the reshaping of the cornea using an excimer laser.


A major difference between PRK Laser surgery and LASIK is in the first part of the procedure. While LASIK involves the use of a thin flap at the corneal surface, PRK does not. Hence, so long as an individual is a candidate for LASIK, he/she would also be a candidate for PRK. However, a PRK patient may not necessarily be a LASIK patient. PRK is recommended for patients with thin or steep corneas, large pupils, irregular astigmatism, and history of eye syndrome or eye surgery.

The end results of both procedures are very similar – the difference is in the healing process. The initial recovery of PRK procedure is slow because it takes a few days for regeneration of new epithelial cells to take place so the surface of the eye will be covered. The risk of eye infection and vision haziness is also increased in PRK surgery in the few days after the eye surgery and the final outcome is gradual and could be achieved after several weeks. On the other hand, LASIK patients usually experience less discomfort with quicker stability of vision.

Although the healing process of PRK is a lot slower than LASIK, the procedure has some unique benefits. Since PRK surgery does not involve the creation of a thin corneal flap, applying treatment to the thick area of the underlying stroma is possible. This is especially beneficial to patients with thin cornea (who are not qualified for LASIK) and those who have previously undergone a LASIK eye surgery. PRK is also beneficial because the patient is not exposed to the risks of removing too much cornea or potential flap complications.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.

What is Myopia and What are the Correction Options?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the most common refractive error of the eye a situation where the eye does not refract light or bend properly to a single focus to view images clearly. In this case, close or near objects look clear while there is poor distance vision which causes distant objects to appear blurry. However, myopia is not an eye disease, but an eye focusing disorder.

Although myopia has a genetic link, its effect is usually more driven by environmental stress associated with near work such as computer use, reading, hand games, and a lack of quality outdoor time. In fact, an increasing cause of myopia is because of the adaptation of the eyes to prolonged periods of near work. Therefore, myopia is referred to as a “nearsighted” disorder one that impacts between 25-40 percent of the total U.S. population today.

Myopia – Correction Options

Myopia is a major health concern today with increasing prevalence over time. The main correction or treatment options include the use of glasses, contact lenses, and LASIK surgery.


The use of glasses is the most common correction option for myopia especially with children. Correction glasses correct the angle through which light hits the retina. An eye doctor, ophthalmologist or optometrist, is best placed to examine your eye, testing your vision with the use of focus exercises and eye charts to arrive at the exact prescription for the disorder.

Contact Lenses

Eye examinations and vision tests are also used to determine the exact lens prescription for a patient just as they do for glasses. The mechanism of operation of contact lenses is like that of glasses they change the direction through which light enters the eye. However, contact lenses are immensely thinner than glasses due to their proximity to the cornea. There are two different types of contact lenses, soft lenses, and rigid gas-permeable lenses.

Soft Lenses

Soft lenses are designed with flexible soft plastic that allows it to adhere to the eye surface easily. Soft lenses cover a large portion of the eye including the iris, pupil, and even extending to the white. While some soft contact lenses are designed to be worn for a specified period before they are disposed, others can be taken out after use, cleaned, and stored properly overnight for use again.

Rigid gas-permeable Contact Lenses

In comparison to soft lenses, rigid lenses are a lot smaller covering the pupil and slightly extending into the iris. Rigid lenses are made of a thin rigid plastic and they float on the eye tears like soft lenses, while oxygen passes through the lens to the eye surface. It may become necessary to clean the lenses when an eyelash or dust particle gets between the eye and the contact lens.

LASIK (Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) Surgery

Although contact lenses and eye glasses are myopia correction options, they are only temporary. Distant objects would still appear blurry if you are not using them. Laser surgery on the other hand, is a permanent myopia correction option which does not require any daily cleaning or corrections. It is the most common refractive error treatment option which adjusts the shape of the cornea to allow passage of light through it, while light hits the retina just at the right angle.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.


Is LASIK Safe For Seniors?

If you have some or a combination of the most common eye annoyances such as blurry vision, spots or night glares, then it is worth seeing an eye doctor or an optometrist who will examine your eyes for both vision and health problems. In some cases, eye doctors may provide low vision care or vision therapy, or correct refractive errors by prescribing contact lenses and or eyeglasses.

An ophthalmologist, on the other hand also specializes in vision care and will also perform eye exams, diagnose and treat disease, prescribe medications and perform eye surgery. An optician will use prescriptions authorized by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist to fit and sell your eyeglasses.

Understanding LASIK

So, when is LASIK vision correction necessary, who performs the procedure, what vision problems can the surgery treat, and most importantly, is it safe especially for seniors? Short for laser-assisted in-situ keratomileuses, LASIK is an FDA approved procedure that has proven to be a very safe and effective way to treat and correct common vision problems such as astigmatism, near and farsightedness.

While LASIK may not be suitable for people with strong lens prescriptions, such as a high degree of short-sightedness, however, the eye laser surgery can also be used to correct an aging effect that makes it hard for an individual to focus on things up-close using a technique known as monovision LASIK.

What To Expect During LASIK Procedure

The most important goal of eye laser surgery is to alter the shape of the cornea, so it does a better job of focusing images onto the retina for sharper vision. An eye surgeon performs LASIK using a cool, non-thermal beam of light that is computer controlled. The procedure doesn’t hurt because the surgeon places anesthetic eye drops in your eye first, then proceeds to cut across the cornea of the eye, raises a flap of tissue and carries out reshaping to correct your vision. While the entire procedure takes approximately 15 minutes per eye, the laser treatment only takes less than a minute.

People who qualify for eye laser surgery report an immediate improvement in their vision with no complications or side effects and because there’s usually no stitches or bandages required after eye laser surgery, recovery is also very quick. Therefore, anyone over 18 years and meets the requirements can benefit from LASIK procedure, this includes seniors too.

Are You Eligible For LASIK?

An eye care specialist can help you determine your eligibility for LASIK, but the general guidelines are:

  • You must be 21 years and older and have healthy eyes, which means your eyes must not have any conditions that will affect postoperative healing, including eye infections, severe dry eye, glaucoma, cataracts, a degenerative or autoimmune disease
  • Your vision must also be stable for at least a year before surgery
  • Pregnant or nursing women are not eligible as hormonal levels can affect the shape of the eye

Therefore, consider eye laser surgery if you are tired of fumbling with contact lenses or eyeglasses and you meet the above requirements.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.


What is Hyperopia and What Are the Correction Options?

Having the ability to see well is one of the essential requirements of living but few people actually have 20/20 vision. One of the most common problems is Hyperopia. Hyperopia is basically farsightedness. It’s one of the most common eye problems. It can not only affect your vision but also your overall well being and your quality of life, as your daily efficiency is decreased. Basically, you’ll be able to see objects well in the distance, while your vision will be blurrier closer up. This is also a problem that develops as you get older.


It may be time to visit an eye doctor to see how this problem can be corrected. Eye doctors will diagnose your Hyperopia. This condition can develop when the distance between your cornea and retina is too short. This basically displaces light rays instead of the image settling onto your retina; it will place it behind it. This creates vision problems. This condition can also be hereditary, so if your parents have farsightedness, most likely you do too. Usually people get this condition in their childhood.

Hyperopia Symptoms

If you are having any of the following issues, a trip to the eye doctors may be in order. Do you have a hard time reading books? Perhaps you have trouble when doing sewing, crafting, or cooking. You can have severe headaches and nausea when trying to complete these tasks. Yet you may still be able to see mountains in the distance. You may have no trouble driving, as you can see street signs, lights, and other vehicles easily.

Choosing LASIK

Eye doctors will test your eyes to diagnose your condition. You may be prescribed eye glasses or contact lenses for vision correction. One other solution, which is more permanent, is to have eye laser surgery. LASIK surgery is one option that can be done at the eye doctors’ clinic. It can not only correct Hyperopia but myopia and astigmatism too. Basically all of these conditions are caused by the shape of the eyes.


One thing that eye laser surgery still isn’t good at correcting is Presbyopia, which is caused by the hardening and thickening of the eye’s lenses.  Perhaps one of the best reasons for vision correction by eye laser surgery is so that you can read again without using glasses or contact lenses. You’ll also discover how your headaches and nausea will go away.


Modern LASIK surgery will correct reading problems. Some people have different vision problems in each eye, so each will be carefully evaluated. One eye may require different treatment than the other. Your eye doctors will advise you on the best course of treatment so you can regain your 20/20 vision.

Looking for the Right Solution

If you are suffering from Hyperopia and tired of not being able to see up close without reading glasses, or you are always feeling unwell, please book an appointment at our eye doctors today. Eye laser surgery will correct your vision so you can now focus on the world both sharply and clearly.


If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.


Is Lasik Eye Surgery Right For You?

Are you tired of wearing glasses? Probably, people around you have developed an annoying habit to comment on your glasses every day. This is terrible! If you want to move a step ahead from this irritating situation of your life then it is good to consider Lasik Eye Surgery as one of the most potent solutions for your vision.

The Choice Of Lasik

The Lasik Eye Surgery procedure is often recommended for vision correction as it helps by re-shaping cornea so that your eyes can focus correctly. It is currently one of the most trustworthy solutions for vision problems and millions of people around the world are taking benefits of this method. However, before you make final decision to go for Lasik Eye Surgery, it is important to check criteria to verify if you are the right candidate for this treatment or not.

Is Lasik Eye Surgery is right for you or not:

  • Your prescription is stable for a long time:

If your prescription keeps on fluctuating within few months or in a couple of years, Lasik Eye Surgery is not the right choice for you. In order to try this treatment, it is important to have healthy eyes with a stable prescription. Professionals also reveal that person who wants to undergo Lasik surgery should not be affected with Keratoconus, a degenerative disorder of eyes.

  • Your overall health also matters:

In order to undergo Lasik eye surgery, it is essential to have a great immune system so that your body can have abilities to heal fast after surgery. People that are already suffering from lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or collagen vascular disease are advised to avoid Lasik treatment. Patients are also desired to have the right diabetic condition to have this treatment.

  • You fall in the right age group:

Lasik Eye Surgery is not for all rather it is recommended for the specific age group. In case if you want to correct nearsightedness using Lasik Eye Surgery then you must be 18 years old or more and those who want to use this treatment for correction of astigmatism and farsightedness must be at least 21 years old.

  • You are motivated to undergo this treatment:

The major goal of a Lasik eye surgery is to give you correct vision, same as that you have with normal glasses. If this goal can be achieved with treatment, then only we can call it right vision correct technique for you. Lasik has the ability to eliminate lenses so that you can get rid of all complications. This treatment is completely safe and is a trusted way to adjust vision. However, in order to undergo this treatment, the patient must be motivated to cope with all the risks and healing process of this treatment.

  • It is not for pregnant ladies:

Note that, Lasik treatment is not suitable for pregnant ladies as well as to nursing mothers. You may have to wait for some time to undergo this treatment and to develop abilities to adjust to the healing process.

Contact Us Today

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.


Are You Ready For Laser Vision Correction Surgery?

Any type of surgery can be nerve-wracking no matter how minor or major it is including laser vision correction surgery however it doesn’t have to.  Pre surgery anxiety can be eliminated with a little bit of preparation.  By guaranteeing your eye examination is complete and is set up with enough time in advance of the surgery, you can comfort your brain in the days paving the way to laser vision correction.

Guarantee you are eligible for laser eye treatment surgery

Have a full assessment by your eye specialist to decide if you’re reasonable for laser eye surgery. This will in all likelihood incorporate various tests, for example, thickness of the corneal and mapping, vision and medicine testing, eye weight and student expansion. These tests may sound scaring, yet they are simple and effortless. You have to guarantee you get the most ideal treatment and the more you think about your eyes and the strategy, the more casual you will fondle in the number one spot to your operation.

Request an information pack

Ensure your specialist knows about your restorative history With regards to examining your wellbeing with your specialist, there is no such thing as a lot of data. Ensure he or she knows about eye-related medical problems, and in addition more broad wellbeing concerns or issues, over a wide span of time. Guarantee your specialist knows precisely what pharmaceuticals you go up against a consistent premise, and in addition any drugs you might be hypersensitive to.

Quit wearing eye cosmetics

For one to two days before your laser vision correction surgery, you should keep your eye region clean and cosmetics free. Any trash left along the eyelashes can expand danger of contamination. Tenderly however altogether wash your eyes in the days paving the way to laser eye surgery to guarantee there is no cosmetics left waiting.

Change from contact focal points to glasses

On the off chance that you wear delicate contact focal points, it is fundamental that you take them out no less than one week preceding having laser eye surgery. Hard (unbending gas penetrable) focal points ought to be expelled three to a month preceding surgery. This is fundamental. Wearing contacts changes the state of your corneas. Wearing contact focal points excessively near your laser eye surgery may bring about incorrect estimations, making your outcomes less successful. It is important that before your LASIK surgery that you plan to wear your glasses instead of contact lenses.

No creams, aromas or moisturizers

In the days paving the way to your laser eye surgery take good care to keep your facial skin totally free of any creams, aromas or establishments. On the off chance that these come into contact with the eye, your danger of disease may increment.

Guarantee you design the day of your operation well ahead of time. Sort out to have somebody take you to and from your arrangement. As you will probably have a pre-surgery narcotic and shields to ensure your eyes secured after your system, you are not allowed to drive upon the arrival of your surgery. Your eyes must recuperate before your specialist will exhort you are protected to drive, ordinarily the morning following your laser vision correction surgery methodology.

Since its best practice to keep the laser innovation at temperature that is low, it may become frosty in laser eye treatment room, so wear something warm, ideally something that you don’t have to pull on and off finished your head. Anything that is feathery is best to be maintained a strategic distance from.

Download podcasts or perusing books

It is essential on the night of your laser eye treatment surgery that you rest your eyes and keep them shut. This implies you won’t utilize your versatile, PCs, perusing or sitting in front of the TV. You will in all likelihood rest yet it is best to be arranged and have a remark you amid your recuperation, especially on the off chance that you are having the ASLA method. Having music or other sound diversion arranged is suggested.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.

Cataract Surgery Procedure and What to Expect

Cataracts are one of the most common eye-related problems in the world today. It occurs when the eye lens becomes cloudy, leading to misty and hazy vision. Occurring naturally due to age, anyone that develops cataracts will eventually see a significant loss of clear vision, which can only be addressed through surgery.

Cataract surgery happens to be a very straight-forward procedure. Completed on hundreds of thousands of patients annually, cataract surgery helps to restore vision, preventing blindness from eventually developing.

Here’s everything you need to know about cataract surgery:

When is cataract surgery necessary?

A loss in vision is common in aging people, with many suffering from cloudy vision at some stage of their later years. Cataracts can take years to fully develop however, allowing people to live with it for quite some time before vision is impaired.

However, cataracts eventually develop into a much more significant problem over time. The only way to rectify the issue is by surgical procedure, where the cataracts are removed from the eye.

Should your vision not be impaired by cataracts, then you can hold off on surgery. It’s only truly necessary once it starts to have a negative impact on your day-to-day life. For instance, if you can no longer read, drive, or struggle to see in most conditions, then surgery is advised.

What does cataract surgery involve?

Cataract surgery is quite a simple routine. You are provided with some local anaesthetic and some eye drops, after which the eye surgeon makes a minor incision on your eye. If you are feeling anxious about the procedure you may be given a minor sedative to stay relaxed.

The eye lens is then removed and replaced with an artificial implant lens known as an intraocular lens, after which the surgery is complete!

What you can expect from cataract surgery

There are a few things to expect from cataract surgery, none of which should give you any concern.

The procedure is very simple and shouldn’t take longer than an hour, so expect a total surgery time of around 20-40 minutes in most cases. Only one eye is treated per surgery, so you will likely require two procedures should you have it in both eyes, which will take place a few weeks apart.

So, you can also expect to go home that day. Remember, you are only under local anaesthetic, which means you will be awake for the entire procedure. Don’t worry; you won’t be able to feel a thing! Most patients are home just a few hours after surgery, so it’s not too taxing of a day.

Also, your vision may be quite blurry for a few days after the surgery, although some people see their vision improve that same day. Don’t have high expectations of this however, as it’s best to assume you will need a few days to fully recover.

Are there any risks with cataract surgery?

Serious risks from cataract surgery are very low. The procedure is one of the safest and most straight-forward administered to patients, although there are some minor risks worth knowing. For instance, inflammation in the eye may occur, while more serious problems such as a detached retina are possible.

However, chances of complications remain low. Serious complications are reported in around 1 percent of cataract surgeries, so you should be completely free of risk!

At Rohr eye and laser center we offer cataract surgery with Tecnis IOLs or Toric IOLs. Don’t let cataracts affect your vision. We recommend you get a eye exam each year to insure your eyes are healthy. If you are worried about your vision and need a check up or would like to schedule a surgery, give us a call at 877-579-0202. You can also visit our website at Our office is located in Grand Blanc, Michigan.

Reasons Why a Yearly Eye Exam Are a Good Idea?

Most people think nothing of scheduling regular visits with the medical doctor or their dentist in order to make sure that they are physically fit and healthy and that their teeth stay white, bright, and cavity free.   When it comes to eye care however they tend only to seek the services of an optometrist when they have concerns regarding their vision.  The truth though is that everyone should have a yearly eye exam.

Eye Exams Are Important

A comprehensive eye exam is more than simply checking your vision to see if you need glasses or not.  During a comprehensive eye exam your optometrist will check your eye pressure, your eye muscle coordination and both the internal and external health of your eye.  A comprehensive eye exam is especially important if there is a family history of eye problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or other health issues that could be affecting your vision.  Yearly exams are especially important for those suffering from diabetes as catching diabetes-related eye problems in their earliest stages may help to save your vision.

Your optometrist can also spot problems caused by your eyes being exposed to too much ultraviolet light from the sun, from pollution, or dust particles in your work environment.  They are trained to give you tips on eye care and things you can do to help protect your vision.

In some cases, a yearly exam may not be enough.  If there are specific eye problems that can cause a rapid deterioration of your vision your optometrist may want you to have your vision checked every four to six months to keep a check and make sure that your vision is remaining stable.

When you consider how important your vision is to you and all the things you would miss if you lost your sight then you will realize how important proper eye care and those yearly eye checkups are to you and every member of your family.

Exams For Your Children

When it comes to children proper eye care is also important and you should have your infant have an eye exam at about six months of age, again at three, and then starting when they are school age they too should have a yearly exam unless there is some reason why checkups should occur more often.

Children who suffer from undiagnosed vision problems often not only have more severe vision problems later in life but also tend to do poorly in school.  By getting yearly eye exams for your child from the time they are young you will be protecting their eyesight both now and in the future.

Make Sure to Do Exams Annually

If you have not had an eye exam lately you should call your optometrist now and set up an eye appointment.  Follow through with eye exams each and every year.   Your eyesight is important to you and the only way to protect your eyesight is with proper eye care.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.

What Is There To Know About Cataract Surgery?

As we get older our eyes go through a process of aging.  You may first start to notice your near vision getting a bit worse and that you need to hold things a little closer.  Then you may need to start wearing reading glasses; this is called presbyopia.  This is where the lens within the eye cannot flex as well as when we are young and unable to bend into focus and the lens starts to get cloudy.

How Cataracts Can Affect You

As our eyes age further the lens becomes stiff, rigid, and very cloudy, this is called cataracts.   If not detected early, cataracts can get so bad you may not be able to see through them and you lose the ability to see clearly, navigate, distinguish between colors and lose contrast.

Ideally, before it gets that bad we would recommend performing cataract surgery to restore your vision.  The main aim of cataract surgery is to remove the old lens and replace it with a new artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to improve your vision.  A lot of people know about cataracts but aren’t clear on what the surgery actually involves.

Cataract Surgery

The initial stage of cataract surgery is for the eye surgeon to clean and numb the eye and to also dilate the pupil; this is to help the eye surgeon see the cataract clearly.  The eye is held open throughout the procedure with a speculum.

Most people are awake during surgery and anesthetic is usually given via eye drops that take seconds to work.  You shouldn’t be in any discomfort but may feel pressure and will see a bright light.  The surgeon will then make a minute incision, which can be less than 2.2 mm.

A substance called viscoelastic is introduced to stabilize the eye and maintain pressure.  The lens capsule is where your natural lens sits, the surgeon will open up a small portion of this to be able to remove the old lens and insert a new lens.  Depending on how bad the cataract is, the surgeon may first need to segment the cataract prior to removal.

The removal of the lens is called phacoemulsification (phaco), this is where the eye surgeon will use a machine with an ultrasonic hand piece.  The tip of the hand piece vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency which makes the lens substance emulsify which is then irrigated and aspirated out.  If needed, the surgeon may then polish the capsule prior to inserting the new intraocular lens.  The new lens is usually folded within an injector.

The injector places the lens within the capsule and as it unfolds the surgeon guides it into place.  The viscoelastic is them removed via aspiration.  Once this is done the eye surgeon will check over the eye to ensure everything is perfect and that the incision is watertight and then apply an antibiotic and steroid eye drop.  The use of stitches is not normally needed as the incision is so small and self-sealing.  The surgeon will then place an eye shield/patch over the eye to protect it and the surgery is complete.

After The Surgery

If both eyes need surgery they will normally be treated on separate days to prevent the risk of infecting both eyes and to also see how the first eye heals.  The surgery takes an average of twenty minutes per eye and you can expect to leave within an hour or so after the surgery.  Your vision should improve gradually over the next twenty four to forty eight hours.  Full visual recovery and achieving final outcomes might take up to four weeks.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.

The ABC’s of Cataracts

When Shakespeare’s King Lear calls on “cataracts” to spout during his “blow winds, and crack your cheeks!” speech, he’s not asking for cloudy vision.  In Shakespeare’s day, a “cataract” also means a huge waterfall.  This is fitting because the clouds of white foam arising from a waterfall are metaphorically like the cloudy vision caused by a cataract.  Roughly half of everyone who lives to age 80 will eventually get cataracts in one or both eyes.

What exactly is a cataract?  To answer that question, let’s begin by looking at the eye in more detail.  A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens.  The lens of the eye is right behind the pupil.  Light enters the eye through the pupil.  As the picture shows, the lens focuses light onto the retina, which is a layer of light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye.

The lens must be clear to focus light onto the retina.  If the lens has become cloudy with a cataract the image that is seen will be blurry.  People say that having a cataract is like looking through a dirt car windshield.

How Do Cataracts Form

The eye’s lens is composed of two substances: the first is water and the second is protein.  As we age some of the protein that constitutes the eye’s lens, along with water, can clump together, causing the clouding of the lens.  Although most cataracts are simply a product of aging there are other causes of cataracts, too.

Diabetics can develop cataracts and so can steroid users.  Cataracts can develop after an eye injury sometimes years later.  They can often develop after exposure to radiation.  Babies can sometimes be born with cataracts as well.  Other factors that could cause cataracts include smoking and drinking.  Here are the symptoms of cataracts, in case you think you are developing one.

  • Cloudy or blurry vision
  • Faded colors
  • Headlight, lamps, or sunlight glare
  • Halos surrounding lights
  • Double visions
  • Multiple images in one eye

Frequent changes in your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses could also be a sign of cataracts.  If you notice any of these symptoms, or if you are age 60 or older, ask your eye doctor to check your eyes for cataracts, as well as for age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, or any other vision issues during your next eye exam.

What To Do When You Have Cataracts

If you do have a cataract and it is interfering with your normal everyday activities, such as driving, reading, or watching TV, your cloudy lens can be removed in surgery and replaced with a clear artificial lens.  If you need cataract surgery in both eyes, usually the doctor will do each eye a month or two apart.

However, surgery should be avoided unless it’s absolutely necessary for your vision or if a cataract interferes with getting another eye issue treated, such as age-related macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy.  Nevertheless cataract removal is one of the most common operations performed in the United States and about 90% of people who have cataracts removed have improved vision.


Now if you don’t have cataracts and you want to forestall getting them, there are some precautions you can take, according to research done by staffers of the Mayo Clinic.  Get regular eye exams, at least once every two years or more frequently if you notice changes in your vision quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Wear sunglasses and clear glasses with 100% Ultraviolet (UV) protection.  Maintain a healthy weight and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Quit smoking, decrease or eliminate drinking alcohol, decrease or eliminate eating meat, increase eating fruits and vegetables and you might live long enough to have your first cataract as a 95th birthday present – among other goodies.

Many people who need cataract surgery will get a temporary pair of eyeglasses to use that corrects the vision of both eyes, the eye that has the cataract and the eye that does not.  Then when they have had the cataract surgery in both eyes they get a new pair of glasses.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.