The Ins and Outs of Radiation Oncology Equipment

Radiation oncology occurs through the use of ionizing radiation to treat/cure disease such as cancer.  It can also be used to assist in the relief of symptoms when a cure or treatment is no longer a viable option.  Most often radiation is most frequently associated with cancer however can be used in treated in a limited range of benign or non-malignant illnesses.  Some of the equipment that is used within the radiation oncology department is linear accelerators, simulators, and CT scanners.

Linear Accelerator

Linear accelerator, LINAC systems are sophisticated pieces of medical equipment that are used to distribute radiation therapy treatments for patients with cancer. Linear accelerators can be used to treat most types of cancers.  During radiation therapy, treatment is provided by directing the beams on to the cancerous tumor.  Targeting the cancer and encompassing area to annihilate the main cancerous tumor and close cancer cells without causing undo harm to the healthy tissue around it.

Patients are placed on a treatment couch that moves, with the help of specifically planned out lasers and X-ray imaging panels, are manipulated to ensure that the beam is in the right position for treatment. The couch can be maneuvered in many planes with sub-millimeter accuracy. This occurs in sync with the LINAC gantry allows the radiation to be directed from any angle to reach the cancerous tumor from any angle.

Simulators and CT-simulators

A simulator is an advanced diagnostic x-ray unit that enables the localization of the tumor site.  The radiation beams are employed in the treatment process.  In addition, the simulator provides a component of the permanent record (verification) of the treatment plan. It is named as so because it has been fabricated to mimic several of the treatment positions that are possible within radiation treatment units.

Servicing and Repairing Linear Accelerator

Problems LINAC System Face

Linear accelerators are built by joining numerous small parts and sending very small radiation particles at very high speeds towards designated targets. Each part has its own function and in the grand scheme of things isnt linked to adjacent parts. This makes the LINAC a very fickle machine since any faulty part can lead to the entire machine going out of order. Hence, the LINAC is an unsustainable machine that can require very intricate maintenance. Therefore, the debate about whether to install spare parts or to change the machine entirely holds a lot of weight and is something that many professionals in the health industry constantly talk about.

Repairing LINAC system

Medical equipment parts used for repairing linear accelerators can be quite expensive especially if you choose to buy new OEM parts over refurbished. Instead of spending your valuable budget on new parts to repair equipment, there are a number of firms in the market that offer refurbishing of parts for radiation equipment. The refurbished parts are often returned very quickly, and this efficient process saves you half the money you would spend on a new part. Therefore, it is best to find a good servicing company for your LINACs to extend the lifespan of the equipment.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.


Upgrading Medical Equipment

Medical facilities all have one thing in common and that is the need for progressive, radical technology and equipment.  To supply patients with outstanding medical service it is crucial that facilities exceed their needs by bringing in additional, updated medical equipment and adding services to meet the growing demands of a fluctuating marketplace in a constantly changing industry.

Leasing and Financing Medical Equipment

To keep existing patients happy and draw new patients in there needs to be products and services to attract them to your facility.  Keeping your facility up to date with the latest medical equipment will allow patients the assurance they need. Below you will find several reasons it is vital medical facilities keep up with the requirements of their patients, existing and future.

To show patients you care about their ongoing health care needs and comfort level it is vital that your facility keep medical equipment and its software up to date.  By obtaining current diagnostic equipment it allows patients to know that your facility has the means to solve their problems.  New patients, especially within the younger generation will be judging your practice on the services and technology you can offer them.  When you can provide care for your patients in house rather than referring them to other medical facilities it helps to grow your practice, maximize profits, and improves your reputation.

We all know that acquiring new, used, or even refurbished medical equipment, such as linear accelerators and CT scanners is costly.  One option to make it more affordable is to finance equipment through leasing.  Obtaining medical equipment that is paid for upfront utilizes valuable cash assets and lines of credit.  These funds are essential in day to day operations.  Leasing is the best option for medical facilities because it offers:

  • Fixed rate financing
  • Less upfront capital
  • Decreased payment monthly
  • Tax benefits

The team at Acceletronics, an independent medical equipment service company, is dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.


A Few Reasons It May Be Time To Upgrade Your Linear Accelerator

When it comes to medical equipment a linear accelerator is considered the “workhorse” as it is used again and again, every day.  Some facilities, with lower patient counts, can often still use a linear accelerator that can be decades old whereas larger facilities often replace their radiation oncology equipment regularly every few years.  In the United States, linear accelerator equipment and other larger pieces of radiation equipment are upgraded every decade.

When you are ready for an upgrade depends on a number of things.  A few indicators that it is time to upgrade your linear accelerator include:

  • You want to provide treatment to more clients, provide higher quality of care, and provide treatment for a wider variety of cases.

Newer technology can empower a facility to provide faster and more precise, or more integrated, treatment. An upgrade may allow a broader ability to take on any case. For example, an upgrade to offer SRS (Stereotactic Radio Surgery) to treat head and neck cases may be an option. Other common upgrades include:

  • Upgrading the MLC
  • Updating the portal imaging system
  • Adding VMAT capabilities
  • Enhancing the couch


  • The goal of your facility is to maintain a competitive edge.

Expanding your capabilities means referrals can also grow. Enhanced capabilities enable physicians to direct new types of treatment cases. Patients who had to be referred to another clinic may now come to your clinic.

  • Maintenance expenses are continual and keep adding up.

Many LINAC systems will be under an annual service contract, with preventive maintenance visits throughout the year to keep the machines working smoothly. However, older machines that have reached their “end-of-life” may no longer be supported and, in worst-case scenarios, some of the replacement parts may not be available at all.

  • Replacing the linear accelerator is not an option.

Extending the life of a machine with upgrades is less costly than purchasing a new machine. It also means less downtime as your old machine is removed and a new one installed, a process which can take as long as five weeks. No machine means no treatments, and you risk losing patients.

Any of these reasons may compel you to consider replacing your facility’s linear accelerator.  If that’s the case, first consider adding upgrades. Upgrading your existing system can give you the power and capabilities you want, cost-effectively.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.

Shrinking Cancerous Cells Using Linear Accelerator Technology

It is very unfortunate when you see your friend or family member get diagnosed with cancer. Watching them go through the pain and suffering, you wish that they wouldn’t have to go through that. You also pray for cancer to never touch you. It is the most painful thing a person can go through. Often when a person is to be treated for cancer, words like ‘chemotherapy’ and ‘radiation are thrown around.

What Is Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy treatment involves the use of drugs to control the growth of cancer cells. The drugs used in chemotherapy tend to vary. It depends on the age of the person and the type of cancer as well as the cancer stage. When doctors administer chemotherapy drugs, they keep a close eye on the patient. This is because the drugs can have side-effects and may react adversely. These side effects include loss of hair, formation of blood forming cells in the bone marrow, heart, lung or kidney damage, etc.

What Is Radiation Oncology

Also known as radiation therapy, radiation oncology is the use of high-energy waves/radiations to kill cancerous cells. Radiation oncologists, radiation therapists and radiation oncology medical physicists use up-to-date radiation oncology equipment to deliver radiation therapy without any side effects. They try to make it as painless as possible. However, radiation oncology when compared with chemotherapy is very less painful. Studies have shown that around 40% of cancer patients are treated with radiation therapy. Radiation therapy can be used alongside chemotherapy or on its own.

Radiation therapy is, as told, is very effective. With cancer being the leading cause of death around the world, investment in new radiation oncology equipment, methods and treatments has become more crucial than ever. Linear accelerator is one of the most common oncology medical equipment being used for radiation therapy.

What Is a Linear Accelerator

This radiation oncology equipment is the most effective equipment used to kill cancerous cells. It does no harm to the normal tissues. It uses high-beam X-Rays and specifically directs them to the point where cancer cells have accumulated. The treatment using linear accelerators is very painless and it is non-invasive. Linear accelerators also use a combination of IGRT and IMRT. IGRT makes use of imaging. This helps with making the therapy precise and increases the exactness of the therapy procedure. The IMRT uses a combination of high-quality hardware and software. IMRT is used to change the intensity of the radiation if it is used on other parts of the body where cancer cells may be growing.

What Is Special About a Linear Accelerator

This oncology medical equipment literally targets the DNA of the cancer cells. Once the DNA is killed, the cancer cells slowly die. Moreover, normally radiation therapy can damage normal cells too. Linear accelerator, because it uses a combination of IMRT and IGRT, make targeting the damaged cells more precise and perfect. The use of linear accelerators is also a good way to personalise your treatment accordingly. Linear accelerators can be used on any part of the body to treat cancer. It is very effective and accurate.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.


Preventative Maintenance Helps Ward Off Unplanned LINAC Repairs

LINAC’s is short for linear accelerator, which are used in radiation treatments for people with cancer.  These machines should receive preventative maintenance so that they stay in working order for as long as possible.  Any preventative maintenance that isn’t completed within a timely manner can create issues and cause unplanned equipment failure.  Those LINAC repair services can cause long downtimes, which can wreak havoc on every patient’s treatment plan.

Preventative maintenance will not only keep LINAC machines in working order, it will also ensure that the machines are delivering proper treatments that are appropriate for each patient.  Part of the preventative maintenance is performing safety checks, which may not always cause an unplanned LINAC repair, but they may cause additional preventative maintenance to be completed to recalibrate certain settings.

Certain forms of preventative maintenance are completed every day, while others may be completed weekly, monthly, or annually.  Of course, whenever a person believes that the LINAC system is performing differently, or something seems wrong, preventative maintenance should be done to find the cause of the issue.  Sometimes, a tweak here or there can save thousands of dollars in the future when it comes to expensive LINAC repair services.

During preventative maintenance, certain linear accelerator parts may be replaced around the time that they were known to wear out on other machines.  By being proactive with these replacements, LINAC users will ensure that their machine will be in service when they are needed instead of being down for maintenance.  It normally costs less to perform this type of linear accelerator repair before it is needed, because it can be scheduled in advance.  That means that less money will be spent paying for the labor of the person doing the work.

However, if preventative maintenance is not completed, and a person does not know that a specific part should be replaced sooner than later, the cost could be quite a bit more when the machine stops working.  The reason for that is because a person would need to be called in immediately, which can cost more after hours or on weekends.  Plus, it can take longer to do the work, since other things could be wrong at the same time, which means that the LINAC machine can be out of order for a couple of days or longer.

Cancer patients rely on LINAC machines to safely deliver their treatments, so that they have an excellent chance of surviving.  Downtime for these situations are unacceptable and unnecessary, especially when most issues can be spotted and resolved during scheduled preventative maintenance.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.

Using LINAC Systems In The Treatment Of Cancer

Cancer is a serious disease, irrespective of the type, where it is in the body, how large or far-gone the tumor is. It is more likely to treat any form of cancer that’s diagnosed early before it has had a chance to get bigger or spread uncontrollably. Unfortunately, most patients are privy to the fact they have a cancer diagnosis until last minute, through an emergency admission, which, consequently, lowers the chances of catching it early. Low awareness of cancer signs and symptoms can mean that people don’t seek prompt medical attention and some people also delay early screening out of sheer fear of what the doctor might find.

Early detection of cancer through education, to promote early diagnosis and screening greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. There are many types of cancer treatments.  The one your doctor elects will depend on the type of cancer you have and how advanced it is. Radiation therapy, using radiation oncology systems is a type of cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells, shrink tumors, ease cancer symptoms and prevent it from returning, stop or slow its growth or ideally, ultimately cure it.

Using oncology medical equipment may shrink tumors to treat pain and other problems caused by the tumor, such as cancer-related pain that has spread to the bones, loss of bowel and bladder control as well as trouble breathing. Radiation oncology systems are used to treat various forms of cancers such as head and neck, breast, cervix, prostate, eye, as well as thyroid cancer. External beam radiation therapy using oncology medical equipment such as a linear accelerator is used to treat a specific part of the body and can be combined with other forms of cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, surgery or immunotherapy to improve the chances of a successful treatment.

There are limits as to the amount of radiation an area of your body can safely receive over the course of your treatment, your doctor will determine which combination will be best for you. While it’s ideal to have the tumor shrunk before considering other forms of treatment, it is important to know that using radiation oncology systems will kill or even slow down the growth of cancer cells, but it may also affect nearby healthy cells, and in some cases, damage to healthy cells may also cause side effects.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.

Better Outcome With Fewer Treatments

As if being diagnosed with any form of cancer isn’t hard enough, you also are required to work tirelessly with your doctor to sort through a wide range of treatment to help you decide on the best treatment options.  Putting in place a plan that will increase your survival odds and meet your medical budget too is of the utmost importance once a cancer diagnosis has been given. In order to make a realistic decision, it’s important to keep in mind the type of cancer you have, the stage of cancer, and how likely any of the cancer treatments will work under the circumstances. Your doctor can talk to you about what to expect from each type of treatment, including the side effects you are likely to experience depending on the effectiveness of the treatment offered.

Cancer treatments are sometimes used in conjunction with one other. It is common to pair surgery or radiation with chemotherapy. In these cases, doctors are likely to either use radiation oncology equipment or linear accelerator equipment, both, which have shown promising results in treating different types of cancer. It is up to you to make decisions regarding your treatment, comparing the benefits and risks of the different cancer treatments.  This will help you decide if the treatment options fall within your goals and how treatments will affect your everyday life.

Considering the financial cost of each treatment is equally important.  Time is of the essence when it comes to treating any form of cancer.  It is important to check into the available options of cancer treatment that are covered by your insurance.  Treatment using linear accelerator equipment, for instance, which is the most commonly used devices to treat cancer, is usually covered by insurance mostly due to the fact that it is a popular method of cancer treatment.

Additionally, the process of receiving radiation treatment is painless.  Apart from side effects such as fatigue and skin irritation, radiation oncology treatment is simple and unproblematic.   Some treatments, like external beam radiation (EBR), have proven to be effective in addressing large tumors.  Radiosurgery is better for smaller tumors and those in the brain. While your doctor can help you decide on which treatment is best for you, do not feel intimidated or afraid of seeking a second opinion. It is your life, after all, and you want the best outcome possible with the fewest treatments possible.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.


Importance of Quality Service, Repair, and Maintenance on Medical Equipment

Equipment used in medical facilities is critical for healthcare professionals and patients alike.  Medical equipment such as linear accelerators and CT scanners are needed to allow care givers to precisely monitor and treat patients.  If medical devices fail, patient care declines and outcomes can be affected.  Patient care is of the utmost importance thus why quality service, repair, and maintenance on medical equipment is an absolute necessity; it is in fact vital to the overall health of the people you are treating.  Quality patient treatment is crucial for patient outcome as well as the growth of your practice.

Properly Cared for Medical Equipment Is Safer

Medical equipment that is services, repaired, and maintained on a regular basis is safer for both patients and hospital personnel.  With regular inspection and maintenance issues that could potentially arise can be caught and taken care of immediately rather than waiting until patient care is affected and devices malfunction or stop working all together.

Working Smarter Not Harder

Performing maintenance on a routine basis is a more efficient way to operate.  Taking a proactive approach allows facilities to plan when medical equipment will be taken out of rotation.  It allows facilities to schedule maintenance around patient care thus never compromising either.

Prevention Saves Money

What medical facility isn’t looking to save money?  Using a preventative maintenance schedule saves facilities money for a number of reasons.   One of the main reasons for this is that complete replacement of medical equipment like linear accelerators and CT scanners is costly.  Emergency repairs are also very expensive.  Ensuring the equipment is maintained and always working at its peak performance levels medical facilities can assure that they are operating at optimal level thus lasting longer.  When you are able to maintain equipment for a longer period of time you will have a greater return on your initial investment which decreases expenses and is ideal for growing medical practices.

It’s Not Too Late To Call

Don’t fret if you have not been keeping up on your routine medical equipment maintenance.  It is never to late to get started making sure you are on the right track.  Call local service, repair, and maintenance medical equipment repair company, such as Acceletronics, today to get your equipment on a regular schedule to get the benefits of regular safeguarding.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.

Refurbished Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners Increase Patient Care.

A LINAC is the device commonly used for treatments for patients with cancer. Linear accelerators are used to treat cancerous tumors throughout the entire body with radiation therapy. They are designed to deliver high-energy x-rays or electrons to the precise areas of the body where the patients suffer the cancer. LINAC machines are incredibly costly. Their prices may range from between 3 to 5 million USD. Considering the cost of obtaining new LINACS and CT Scanners in your facility can be costly especially for those maybe working with a limited budget. That is why it’s often wise to purchase refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners that perform equally as well, if not better as the bugs are all worked out, then a new one at 50% the cost. In the article below, you will find more explanation why it’s simple and cost effective to opt for a refurbished CT scanners equipment:

  • Buying refurbished allows you more capital to invest more into expanding your facility.

No matter whether you’re a newbie or just adding another treatment room to your practice why spend huge sums of money on new medical equipment and parts when you’re able to obtain the same quality and usage from reconditioned equipment? Save yourself the financial stress of buying new and invest limited capital on other useful resources that will help in expanding your facility.

This way, you can have more medical equipment to cater for the demand of your patients. In a simpler term, when you opt for a refurbished equipment it allows you to stretch your limited budget to invest in other equipment or activities that could be useful for your practice.

  • Buying refurbished allows facilities to improve patient care.

By limiting cost with refurbished equipment, you can spread your budgeting dollars to other pressing issues you need for treating your patients. With the ability to invest capital in other avenues other than on medical equipment, facilities can improve patient care.

  • Buying refurbished offers peace of mind.

Just as you’ll have satisfaction by using a new linear accelerator, buying refurbished CT scanners can do the same when you purchase from a reliable distributor.  Medical equipment companies that offer new and refurbished equipment along with repair services and have access to radiation oncology parts are the most suitable choice for purchasing equipment.  Even though this equipment has been refurbished, there is a guarantee associated with it making it almost like buying a new linear accelerator, minus the huge costs. Refurbished CT scanners pieces are accredited and will be delivered in working condition.  Another benefit is that with refurbished equipment many of the initial bugs are worked out.  Parts that have proven to be temperamental are upgraded in refurbished equipment allowing it to run without the issues new equipment often runs into.  Which ultimately leads to down time and decreased patient care.

An independent service company focused on providing the best equipment performance and service from linear accelerators and CT scanners can help you whenever and wherever you need them for your facility.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts, call 610.524.3300.

Maintaining Radiation Oncology Equipment

The challenging activity of repairing and maintaining the radiation oncology equipment which is used by doctors in various hospitals and clinics is done by companies that provide biomedical equipment maintenance services. These companies provide in-house repairing services, 24/7. These companies make sure that whenever an equipment failure occurs, a professional is always available to come and sort out the problem with the equipment so that medical operations can be continued as soon as possible.

Repairing linear accelerators, CT scanners, and other radiation oncology equipment is complex and complicated, there is no space for mistakes. The problem must be dealt with using careful consideration as these machines are to produce test results with a lot of accuracy and precision.  Therefore, any problem in the functioning of the equipment left unchecked or overlooked can prove to be a great disaster. Thus, it is crucial to get the equipment functioning properly in the shortest time possible.

Some equipment names that may require the availability of such biomedical equipment professional technicians are LINAC and CT scanners who check if the equipment works properly or if refurbishment of the equipment or its reconditioning is required.

Reconditioned Linear Accelerators

A Linear Accelerator (LINAC) is a delicate and complicated medical equipment that uses microwave technology to create photon beams as radiation that pass-through the human body to finish the tumors in human body. The body is exposed to strong radiations known as radiation therapy for removal of cancer. Thus, the reconditioned linear accelerators must have their calibration right. Their calibration must be done by professionals with a lot of experience in repairing and maintaining such mechanical and sensitive devices. As it takes a lot of time to repair it, the servicing of LINAC is costly as well.

Refurbished CT Scanners

CT scanner, on the other hand, is also a sensitive equipment which also produces radiations using microwave technology to create photon beams. But, these radiations are a lot less strong than those of a linear accelerator. These low concentration radiations are known as X-rays which are passed through the human body for the detection of any existing tumors in the body. This process is known as CT-scanning i.e. computed tomography scanning. Refurbished CT scanners have a risk of mis-calibration. A refurbished CT scanner machine that is calibrated incorrectly means wrong medical reports of the patient or risking the health of that patient by exposing him to excessively strong radiations damaging his body cells.

Challenges Faced Buying Equipment

The most common challenged faced while buying equipment for the hospital or a clinic is that it costs a lot. Many are left with the only option of buying a reconditioned linear accelerator and a reconditioned CT scanner to make their medical facility operative or update it. This calls for those biomedical equipment service providers to get their equipment checked regularly for any malfunctions or the need of recalibration. If they are regularly serviced and maintained, you are good to go.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.