How Does Water Softener Work?

There are two types of water, hard and soft. Hard water is the most natural type of water that hasn’t been tainted by any chemical process. It becomes hard because before it reaches your taps at home, it seeps through the ground where it’s filtered by stones and mineral deposits containing all of the natural minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, etc. Drinking hard water is not harmful and could be a major contributor to cardiovascular disease mortality as well as that of calcium and magnesium to our diet.

Difficulties Of Cleaning With Hard Water

Hard water does, however, make cleaning task from laundering, dishwashing to bathing, and personal hygiene challenging. It makes soaps and detergents lose some effectiveness, and instead of lathering or dissolving completely, soaps tend to combine with the hard minerals to form a soapy mess.

This effect is evident because it leaves insoluble soap scum in your bathtub, washing basins, your shower, dishes, laundry machines, and roughens clothes too. Water softening is the process through which calcium and magnesium ions are eliminated from the water by using a mechanical appliance that is plumbed into your home’s water supply system.

Ion Exchange Method

There are different technologies including water filtration, and water purification methods that can be used to make hard water soft. Some water softeners use a process called ion exchange, which is the most popular and commonly used methods of removing the calcium and magnesium ions from water in your water to exchange it with two sodium ions.

The ion exchange system uses a mineral tank containing zeolite beads that carry a negative charge to attract and cling to the positive charge carried by calcium and magnesium ions. This means that these minerals will adhere to the beads as the hard water passes through the tank.

A very powerful solution of sodium ion is then flushed through a tank that has beads already soaked with calcium and magnesium so as to drive the calcium and magnesium ions off, the unit then enters a 3-phase regenerating cycle to produce soft water:

  • The backwash phase flashes out dirt from the tank
  • The sodium-rich salt solution replaces the calcium and magnesium in the recharge phase
  • The final phase flushes off the excess brine then refills the brine tank

This process is very effective, but it increases the salt content in the water, which might not be favorable to everyone.

Distillation is another water purification method of effectively softening and removing impurities for small quantities of water. It entails boiling the water to produce vapor, then condensing it back into pure water.

Where To Get Started

Before installing a water softener, use a water testing kit that measures hardness from 0-1000 ppm or 0-59 grains of hardness. Values of more than 1 GPG are usually considered to be hard water. Use a water softener that either has an automatic regenerating system that flushes and recharges the system on a regular basis or the type that uses a mechanical water meter to measure water usage and initiate recharging only when necessary.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


The Benefits of Salt Free Water Softeners

People with fresh, high-quality water can be taken for granted in many parts of the world.  In others however water can be full of minerals, contaminants, and be extremely hard.  This can lead to nasty tasting water that is affected by high amounts of minerals in the water. One of the best solutions to hard water is to install a water treatment system in your home that can provide a softer, better tasting, higher quality water supply.

Treating Your Water At Home

Water softeners essentially work by adding other minerals to the water in order for the water to taste good. There are a number of ways this is done and one includes a salt process. Many people however, have concerns with adding extra salt to their bodies.  Some people have diseases and conditions where they need to limit the amount of sodium in their bodies so a traditional water softener that uses salt to soften the water may not be ideal.  Another alternative for treating the water in your home can come from a potassium water softener, water conditioning, or a water filtration/purification system.


People often consider water softeners and water conditioners as one of the same. A salt-free water softener can more accurately be called a water conditioner or de-scaler.  A traditional water softener using salt, works by removing magnesium and calcium from the water and replacing it with sodium. Another option that works on the same principal is replacing the salt with potassium, also known as a saltless or salt-free water system.

Difference Between Water Softeners

A salt-free water filtration system doesn’t work exactly the same way as the salted one. Instead of removing hard water minerals, it keeps them from sticking to the pipes. This is a special process where the hard water minerals are crystallized, so that they can no longer stick to surfaces, which includes your pipes or your dishes.


The unsalted system also helps by reducing the buildup of limescale. This is that chalky substance you see on dried hard water spots and can be filled with other minerals or chemicals. While it’s not harmful, it can be unsightly and embarrassing if you are serving guests, or are a food-based business that must have 100% clean dishes.


The salt free water filtration system works by altering the chemical structure of the water minerals through a special descaling process. This helps to prevent solids from being deposited into your pipes and other water-using fixtures.

Talk With an Expert

A salt free water purification system is as effective as a salt-based system and it may suit your needs if your city’s water isn’t as hard as others. It is best to speak to a water filtration specialist to fulfill the needs of your home.  When choosing salt-free water purification system it will also come with a filter. This helps to filter out the hard water minerals in your water, while providing water softener properties.  For assistance in finding the best water softener or water purification system for your house, contact us today.


At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


What’s Best For You: Sodium or Potassium Chloride?

Quality water represents life and health however bad water can literally suck the life out of your plumbing.  If you find yourself in constant need of repairs due to the excess mineral deposit and lime-scale, then it is clear your home may benefit from the installation of a water softener or another form of water treatment.  It might not be as clear cut as this either, sometimes homeowners will only notice a change in water pressure.  This however can be a clear sign of buildup on the pipes that is restricting the flow of water.

Saving Money With a Water Softener

Some people prefer the taste of hard water, but is dealing with dry skin, blocked pipes, scum inside your kettle or the constant upsurge in energy bills worth it? Hard water contains a high concentration of calcium and magnesium salts, and while they are not harmful, they cause damage not only to your taps, pipes, and water heating appliances but also to your wallet. Water softener systems for homes are worth installing because you will begin to see significant saving on your monthly energy costs and reduced damage to all your home appliances. Additionally, softening hard water also has the following advantages:

  • Soaps and detergents lather effectively during a wash
  • It stops sticky insoluble crud from hanging around your skin, hair, clothes, plumbing fixtures, silverware, glassware, mirrors, toilet, bath tiles, and on your car too
  • Soft water makes cleaning a breeze and reduces household work
  • It boosts the efficiency and life of your home heating system

Getting rid of the calcium and magnesium is the ultimate solution. All you need is a water softener for home unit that works by effectively removing the minerals that cause the water to harden through a process called ion exchange. If you are not sure whether you have hard water, hiring the expertise of a water technician to test the level of hardness of your water is always advisable.

Two types of water softeners for your consideration:

Salt-Free Water Softeners (Potassium Chloride Systems)

This choice is a good option for those apprehensive about their salt intake, and a does a fairly good job of reducing and preventing hard water scale from being deposited on water pipes, heaters, tubs, showers, sinks, and water-based appliances.

Salt-Based Ion Exchange Water Softener 

These units use two tanks to soften hard water by substituting salt for hard minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron during a backwash cycle. The water is ready for use as soon as the excess sodium is rinsed out and the brine tank is refilled. There is also the magnetic water softener or descaler water softener for homes option.

A Solution To Your Water Problems

Now, instead of wasting so much money on vinegar every time you want to get rid of hard water stains on your fancy glasses, or you want to reduce your skyrocketing utility bills significantly, the solution is getting a good water softener for homes once and for all.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website



How Do Water Softeners and Conditioners Work to Improve Your Home’s Water Quality?

In certain parts of the country the water is better than others. We rely on drinking water on a daily basis for survival.  It’s imperative that the water we drink is free of containments and tastes good. Nothing is worse than hard water, water that is over-laden with minerals, that not only gives it a sulfuric taste, but is also harsh and drying on the skin. The best solution is to add a water treatment system such as a water softener system to your home.

Choosing The Right Water System for Your Home

There are differences between a water softener, conditioner, purifier, and filtration system. Choosing the best water treatment system for your home can be a lot simpler if you decide its primary purpose and work with a professional water conditioning company to choose the right system for your situation.

A water conditioner is basically a piece of equipment that can change your water. It can filter your water, or improve the taste of the water in some way. A water softener is a specific form of water conditioner; it can reduce water hardness. But don’t worry, as you can use both interchangeably, as they have basically the same result.

In order to figure out if you need a water softener for your home, inspect your glassware after it’s washed and dried. If it has a whitish film on the surface, this means that your water is hard. This is because the dissolved minerals in the water will prevent the soap from doing a thorough job. A water conditioning company can help you determine what type of water treatment system that is best for your home or business.

This build-up of minerals is commonly calcium or magnesium. While they’re harmless to the human body, we all need our vitamins and minerals; it can make drinking water not as pleasant of an experience as it should be. It can also dry out your skin, decrease the efficiency of detergents, stain laundry and landscaping, and a variety of other unpleasant effects of hard water.

Deciding On A Water Softener

You have choices to make if you decide you want water softener systems in your home.  Do you want just your drinking water improved, or do you want a complete water softener for home installed for all water consumption, including sinks, toilets, showers, and bathtubs?

Water softener systems work by replacing the calcium and magnesium in the water for other types of ions. Inside the softener unit the water will flow over a bed of tiny plastic beads that have been coated with sodium or potassium ions. The water releases the potassium and calcium, and grabs the sodium.

How Water Conditioners Work

A water conditioner can work a variety of different ways too. It may use a form of carbon filtration, ceramic media, magnets, or electromagnetic waves to remove these unwanted particles. No matter which you choose, you want to do your research so you’re choosing the most effective and safest means available.

Some water conditioners also work through a disinfection method. They add an ingredient, such as chlorine, to kill off bacteria living in the water. While most parts of the USA have safe water to drink, there are many regions in the wilderness where groundwater could be contaminated, so you need a filtration system for your cottage.

Ask the experts if you’re uncertain what the best water softener for home is. Soon your water will look cleaner and taste better.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website