The Reality of Hard Water In Your Home

The water supply in your household can arguably be stated to be the single most important within your home.  Next, in order of importance for the comfort of its occupants being waste drain and electrical systems.  The water in your home is of absolute importance in order to live comfortably within your home.  Running water is not only convenient it is crucial.  The quality of the water in your home is extremely important as it not only affects the appliances and plumbing systems, it can affect the health of your family.


Undesirable Effects of Hard Water

Water supplies throughout the United States are not all created equally which is why it is of the utmost importance that your household water is evaluated prior to use.  There are however, some tell-tale signs that can be seen throughout your home that are dead giveaways on whether your home has or does not have hard water or water that has arsenic or other adverse elements within it.


Many homeowners may not even be aware of the damage that hard water can actually create physical damage to their home.  Often times hard water can cause serious damage to your homes plumbing while also doing damage to appliances such as your dishwasher and washer and families clothing.


One tell-tale sign that you have hard water is finding a film on dishes after running a load of dishes through the dishwasher, staining on the faucets and fixtures within the home or landscaping, or a smaller than normal lather when working with soaps and shampoos.


How Water Softener Systems Work to Combat the Undesirable Effects of Hard Water

Many residential water systems work in the same manner, they hook up to your homes water inlet from the city or well system.   In order for water to be softened the outside source of water must be hooked up to a water treatment system.  There are many different options in water treatment systems that can be installed in your home to treat your homes hard water, the most common being a water softener system using salt or potassium chloride.


The typical process of water softening uses a typical Ion Exchange which uses salt or potassium chloride to replace the minerals in the water that makes it hard.  This ion exchange system consists of using more than one tank and a flow control system that first removes all of the minerals and mixes the salt back into the water before discharging it into the household’s water system.

How Safe Is Softener Water?

According to most health experts, softened water is safe to use a s a source of usable water and quality drinking water although an excess can be harmful as we can see in the excess consumption of anything. An excess of sodium or a reduction in naturally occurring minerals within a water supply can be unhealthy however when used normally as is seen within household water usage the health benefits of soft water our weigh the possible harmful effects.


Most water softener systems use some sort of process that strips away most of the minerals and replaces them with higher levels of sodium. This means if you have high blood pressure or one of several heart-related conditions your doctor will likely have you on a no or low sodium diet. If this is the case, then you may want to consider the source of your water before choosing a water softening treatment system for your home.


Sodium is not the only health concern, trace minerals and other nutrients that you may not be aware that are in found in your typical “hard water” are actually extremely good for you.  Without them you would need to resort to other sources, such as supplementation or altering your daily diet to increase the amount of the important minerals.  Water softening does not eliminate minerals it does however, decrease the amount that can be found to a healthy amount to ingest.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


Common Mistakes When Selecting a Water Treatment Option for Well Water

It is a known fact that water obtained from a well is not the best option when used for drinking or cooking purposes. It includes certain minerals and particles that can adversely affect your health, how your skin feels, staining on your fixtures, and more.  Many professionals recommend water treatment options that purify your homes well water.  The water analysis will help tell professionals which of the available water treatment options are best for your homes water.  Water treatment options include the use of a water softener, iron filters, reverse osmosis, water purifiers, and water conditioning systems.

There are many of the different well water treatment options. However, selecting the right one can should be left up to professionals after an analysis of your water. Many people make some common mistakes when selecting a water treatment options for well water especially when they do not listen to the advice of water treatment professionals. These mistakes affects your homes water quality.  Many common issues DIY homeowners forget to consider are:

Not Taking Impurities into Consideration

A very common mistake people make is that they do not take water impurities into consideration when selecting the water treatment option. There are different types of impurities in well water; hence, an appropriate treatment option must be selected considering those impurities. For example, if you are using an iron filter as a well water treatment, it won’t perform efficiently if the water is acidic in nature, which, generally, well water is.

Not Taking the Location of Well into Consideration

Many people opt for tried and tested water treatment options for well water without taking the location into consideration. This is an absolutely wrong approach as a well that is located in an area that has high pollution rate requires a different treatment method than that of an area with low pollution rate. Similarly, more chemicals, toxins, and impurities are found in the water that is obtained from wells located in an industrial area.

Not Having Ample Understanding of Pressure & Pump Flow Rate

It is another common mistake made by homeowners. They do not understand two important aspects of water system i.e. pressure and pump flow rate. As a result, they are unable to select the right treatment method for removing contaminations from the water. Therefore, it is recommended to have a deep understanding of these aspects along with others vital factors of the well water system so that you can select the most appropriate well water treatment option.

Wrongly Identifying or Not Identifying Well Water Problems

Some people go for a well water treatment simply because it is known to produce effective results. They make this mistake of not identifying the problems before selecting the solution. Similarly, some people wrongly identify the well water problem. The result, in such situations, is impure water that still contains harmful chemicals or toxins. Using this water for drinking or cooking purposes can lead to fatal health conditions.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


The Best System For Your Home Drinking Water

There are different ways you can improve the quality of water in your home to make it safe for drinking and cooking as well as for other household applications such as cleaning, swimming, and more.  Before you invest in a filtration system, conditioning system, water softener, or filtration system it’s important to have your water tested and checked for any harmful chemicals, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, fluoride, or bacteria and also to determine the pH balance of your water.

Water that doesn’t fall within the safe pH range of 6.5 to 8.5 can be a sign of chemical or heavy metal pollution. You may want to test your water and install one of the following filtration systems, especially if your faucets and pipes have taken on a rusty red, white, or blue color.  A professional water analysis is deemed to be the most important step in making sure that the correct water system is installed to bring your family quality water throughout your home.

Water Softener

Water softeners remove excess minerals or metals, such as calcium, magnesium, and iron found in hard water. By installing a water softener, you will not only notice a marked improvement in the way of minimal scale build-up in your sinks and bathtubs, but softening your water will also extend the life of your washing machine, dishwasher, water heater and various household appliances.

You also benefit from a cleaner plumbing system, and as a result, reduced energy consumption and utility bills. Whole-house water softeners are available in both reverse osmosis and ion-exchange options, however, there are also smaller systems that you can install only for your cooking and drinking purposes.

Ion Filter

There are several different kinds of ion filters, however, the best would definitely be one that has a double filtration system that can effectively adjust the ionization to the mineral content of the water. When you install an ion filter, your hard water goes through a process known as electrolysis, which separates it’s alkaline and acid content to make water safe for use. Although installed ion filters can be costly, they can be used with any water source, and most of them come with a lifespan of up to 30-years.

Reverse Osmosis

A reverse osmosis unit allows only the passage of water molecules, but not those of contaminants found in water. While it may not remove all contaminants, a reverse osmosis system provides several stages of removing impurities to make water safe for use. RO systems are also easy to maintain, and different varieties of these units can be tailored to fit your everyday usage.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

Troubleshooting Your Homes Water Supply

No matter where your homes water comes from, a well, a spring, or the city, problems can exist.  Individual water quality issues are fixed with distinct water treatment solutions. It is our job to help determine what solution will work best in treating and eliminating your homes water issue.  From hardness to foul smells, we have a solution to bring you high quality water throughout your home.  There are several issues that are commonly found in water throughout Michigan homes.

Common issues with your waters quality:

  • Hardness
  • Foul Odors and Taste
  • Mineral Buildup
  • Acidic
  • Arsenic

Hard Water:

Most often homeowners don’t know that they have hard water.  What they do know is that there are spots on their glassware, laundry appears dingy, increased usage of soap, change in the texture of hair and skin, increased energy costs, and scale build up on faucets and such.  Homes affected by a hard water supply have plumbing that tends to age quicker than those who seek to soften the water.  The most common way to treat hard water in your homes water supply is with the installation of a high-quality water softener.

Foul Odors and Taste:

Foul odors and strange tasting water is something extremely noticeable to homeowners.  Water can taste unpleasant metallic, chlorine, or can smell awful like rotten eggs, when this occurs one of the most common treatment options that is suggested is using an activated carbon filtration system.  Backwashing carbon filtration systems are a combination of a large filter filled with activated carbon media.  This removes foul tastes and odors from your whole house water supply leaving you with high quality water throughout the home.

Mineral Buildup:

Homeowners may not notice that they have an accumulation of minerals taking place within their water supply. The most common symptoms of a build up of iron and magnesium include unpleasant metal taste, staining, reddish tinted water, odors, and rust particles in the water. The treatment for a mineral buildup is the installation and usage of an iron filter system.


When the porcelain surfaces start to turn from white and ivory to green and blue green there is an issue with acidic water, low ph within the water.  What this means is that your water supply has acid in it which is causing a corrosion of your pipes and plumbing fixtures.  The fix for the issue of acidic water is with an acid neutralizer using Calcite.


Arsenic is an element found naturally within ground water.  Arsenic within your homes water supply can cause adverse health effects even in low concentrations as it is a carcinogen at high concentrations.  In order to remove arsenic from your water supply homeowners should install an arsenic reduction system.

All water supplies need to be treated on an individual basis as symptoms can also be masked by other occurrences within the water supply.  Free water analysis is done to diagnosis the issues that are found within your homes water to ensure that the treatment options is specific for your water needs.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

Water Treatment Systems Improve Homeowners Drinking Water Quality

There are a variety of water purification systems that can be used to improve the quality of the drinking water throughout your home.  To determine what type of water treatment system your home needs it is important to understand the qualities that each system offers in increasing water quality.  Professional water analysis can be done on your homes water to provide you with a more accurate look into the actual issues plaguing your water supply, from rust to arsenic, your drinking water could be affected.

Using the right system to purify the water in your home can help to keep your family healthy.  It is common knowledge that we need eight glasses of water or more each day to maintain personal health; purer, cleaner water dispensed from the faucets in your home help to increase the water that is consumed by your family daily.

There is a major difference between water softeners, conditioners, filtration systems and purification.  It is important to understand that water purification solutions leave valuable minerals in your water supply while eliminating harmful elements that may not be seen or smelt.  Hard water and smelly water issues are not solved with the installation of a purification system however common contaminants such as chlorine, cryptosporidium spores, giardia cysts, viruses, and pharmaceuticals are eliminated.

Not all water needs to be purified so it is crucial to understand the issues with your homes water before purchasing a water treatment system.  Water purification systems go a long way in removing common contaminates that may alter your health.  They can be installed so that they treat the entire supply of water throughout your home or specific areas where water is supplied.

Water softeners unlike water purification systems bring homeowners high quality drinking water by removing iron, rust, odor, sediment, and smells.  Softeners remove the minerals that make the water hard.  Some of the symptoms that your home could benefit from the use of a water softener is dry skins, smelly water, staining, and clogged plumbing.  Water softeners are installed treating the homes entire water supply.  Water softeners can use salt or potassium chloride using a process of ion exchange. 

The water treatment option that is used to bring you quality water will be determined by your water analysis.  There are times when a homes water supply will need more than one treatment solution to bring families quality water.  Hard water can contain contaminants that a water softener will not remove thus a water purification or filtration system needs to be installed either at the point of entry (whole house) or point of use (faucet).

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

Benefits of Point-Entry and Point-of-Use Water Systems

Safe drinking water is a concern to most homeowners.  Even with existing laws and regulations in place that strive to ensure that everyone has access to clean water many homes have water supplies that are lacking in quality. Measures are often put into place, by homeowners, to increase the quality of the water coming into homes with extra attention being given to the filtration and purification of drinking water.

There are multiple water treatment systems that are available to homeowners, each with their own unique abilities to increase the quality of the water supply in your home.  Two such systems include point of use and point of entry water treatment systems.  Both types of systems are used to soften, condition, purify, or filter that water supply and can be installed for both residential and commercial use.

Using a Point Of Entry Water System

Point of entry water treatment systems connect directly to your homes water line.  A water softener is one type of point of entry water treatment system.  The water softener acts as a central filtration station for the water that is distributed to your entire home or office.  Often a point of entry system is referred to as a whole-house solution for smelly water, hard water, or water with a high mineral count.  These systems are used to remove bad tastes, foul odors, and contaminated before the water reaches your kitchen, bathroom, laundry, or irrigation systems.

Point Of Use System Differnces

On the other hand, a point of use system is installed directly at the source of water retrieval such as out door spickets, kitchen faucets, bathroom sinks, and showers.  Most homeowners choose a point of use system in addition to a point of entry system.  For instance, if your homes water has been found to have high levels of arsenic in it a point of use system arsenic removal system can be installed to prevent arsenic from entering your drinking water where as the water in your showers is fine to use even with low levels of arsenic.  Point of use water treatment systems are often cheaper than point of entry systems as they are only being used to provide filtration to one source.

Benefits of Using Either Option For Water Treatment

There are multiple benefits that homeowners receive from using point of entry and point of use water treatment systems.

  • Point of use and point of entry filtration systems help keep your home safe from contaminants and chemicals that are found at the water source. Installing both systems will help ensure the water is free of contamination both from the source and just before it’s expelled from your tap.
  • A point of use filtration system can work well in isolation and it is an economical filtration system which can only be installed at a single water outlet.
  • When used together, point of use and point of entry systems can help ensure that you and your family have maximum protection from water contaminants which can cause illnesses. Adding a water softener into the system guarantees that your water is not just safe for consumptions but adequate for other use such as bathing and cleaning.


At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


What Type of Water Treatment System Does Your Home Need?

In today’s world where we are surrounded by all sorts of impurities, filtered water is becoming a necessity. Our health is largely based on the amount of high quality drinking water we take in every day. It is crucial that the water we are drinking does not contain harmful chemicals, pollutants, parasites, organic waste, and other imperfections.   There are several ways that one can go about procuring drinking water such as buying bottled water, but a better long run solution is to treat the water that is entering your home.  It is also crucial that water treatment systems are maintained and running efficiently to ensure the quality of your families drinking water.

How Water Softeners Work

A water softener is a water treatment device that uses chemical methods to reduce the level of hardness of water.  Depending on the type of water flows into your home you may need to use a water softener to ensure that your family’s water is free of excess minerals and elements that cause damage.  A professionally installed water softener can drastically remove the hardness factor of the water entering your home and can transform it into soft, safe, usable water.

Hard water is not only harmful to ingest it can give you a tough time with cleaning, washing, soap removal, and maintaining health.  If the hardness is removed from the water sufficiently then the soft water that is produced in the process will be as good as any other natural soft water.

Using Additional Iron Filters

A whole house water softener with an additional iron filter can be effective in purifying your water and improving your health.  When your home or business has extremely hard water, a water softener with an iron filter can most often take care of the problem.  These units are unlike regular activated carbon filters.  They are specifically designed to remove iron and when the filter is full it flushes the iron deposits down the drain and begins the process over again.  This seems to be a more common occurrence with drilled wells than municipal water sources.

Iron deposits in the water table often find their way into wells.  The amount in water can vary a great deal from different areas.  Some areas only have a trace amount of iron while neighboring wells could be producing orange-tinted water that leaves stains on fixtures with in the home.  Water softeners that use additional iron filters remove toxic, heavy metals from drinking water.  These systems are highly recommended for their ability to effectively block iron, Sulphur, manganese, sediment, and turbidity from water. Before choosing a system, it is crucial to have your homes water tested by a professional water treatment company.

Using Reverse Osmosis to Treat Water

Another option to treat water is reverse osmosis.  A reverse osmosis water softening system uses hydraulic pressure is put on the water to act against the osmotic pressure naturally occurring in water.  Purified water is then collected on the lower part of the membrane.  This three-stage process purifies water, renders it clean, softens water, and then adds necessary minerals that add an amicable taste to the water.

Reverse osmosis water softener produces purified water containing no salts, sugars, ions or molecules that have been dissolved before filtration. With this method water will not have the same pleasant taste of other types of filtration. Over 97% of the hardness in water passed through reverse osmosis water softener is removed by the process. The most vital function of this filtration system is that it kills the bacteria and germs in the water.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


Which Water Treatment System Is Best For Your Home?

Having a water softener installed in your home makes most homeowners feel good about the quality of their drinking water.   However, depending on your homes water a softener may not be enough to remove the contaminants that are still in the water that you drink, use to wash food, cook with, and more.  A reverse osmosis system can eliminate the contaminants from your softened water including a solid percentage of the sodium left in the water after the softening process.

There are a number of reason that a water softener and reverse osmosis system work well together.   A water softener protects a reverse osmosis unit.  A reverse osmosis system is not as efficient at removing or reducing calcium and magnesium, the contents of hard water, as a water softening unit.  Installing a water softener in combination with a RO system reduces the hardness level in the water acting as a protective level for the reverse osmosis unit keeping it from layer containments within the system and in turn extending the life of the system.

Another reason the two systems work well together is because they improve the quality of the families drinking water.  Many people that install a whole house water softener also desire the installation of an under the sink reverse osmosis system in the kitchen.  This type of system can be installed to service the kitchen tap, the refrigerator lines, or both.

A reverse osmosis unit takes your water softener to the next level helping to make sure the quality of your drinking water better.  A water softener and reverse osmosis system work together.  The softener gives you soft water throughout the house by eliminating minerals in the hard water while a RO unit increases the purity of the drinking water by removing impurities.

Once a water softener has been installed homeowners will notice a savings in energy expenses, increased appliance lifecycle, and a decrease in the usage of soaps and detergents.  In fact, a water softener quickly pays for itself quickly.  Reverse Osmosis owners find the same to be true as well.  Once a RO unit has been installed the need for bottled water is non-existent.  A water softener and a reverse osmosis system work together to reduce expenses and provide high quality drinking water.

If you already have a water softener installed call a water professional to help you choose the best reverse osmosis system to install.  You want the RO unit to work in conjunction with one another and not compromise or interfere with the water softener.  A little research will tell you what type of warranty the system has as well as the how filter maintenance exists.

Having a whole house water softener installed in conjunction with a reverse osmosis system allows you to give your family high quality drinking water.  RO systems remove impurities that are still found in tap water after it has been run through a water softener.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website



How do Water Softeners Work?

A water softener is a special type of filter that eliminates calcium and magnesium in hard water and replaces them with sodium through the ion exchange system. Since calcium and magnesium interfere with the action of soaps and detergents while sodium does not, a water softening system is important to ensure detergents are able to eliminate dirt and oil stains more effectively. It also provides a slippery feel to the skin when you wash.

Components Of A Water Softener

A water softener is made up of three major components –a resin or mineral tank, a control valve, and a salt-water tank. The mineral tank is the area where water softening takes place and incoming water passes through plastic-like beads also known as resin and made of polystyrene. These beads have a charge that is negative, attracting calcium and magnesium from the water since they are positively charged.

The attraction ensures calcium and magnesium adheres to the plastic beads as water flows through the tank. As the water gets to the bottom area of the tank, “softening” would have taken place. The “softened” or conditioned water now passes through a riser tube and outlet manifold, before it is distributed through a cold-water pipe to the house.

Over time, the resin droplets become caked with calcium and magnesium and must be “recharged” or cleaned to be as efficient as it should be. The control valve exerts some form of control in the system since the recharge process is designed to take place based on the amount of water processed. Each cubic foot of resin can efficiently eliminate calcium and magnesium minerals from about 3,200 gallons of hard water. By contrast, about 750mg of sodium is in turn added each water gallon. This sodium content is considered as low range. However, for people who are concerned about sodium intake in general, resins that release potassium is the best option – although it is expensive.

A Process Of A Brine Tank

In association with the mineral tank, a brine tank helps with the regeneration process. During the “brine cycle”, salty or brine water is pumped out from the brine tank into the mineral tank. As water passes through the plastic beads, sodium is exchanged with the ions in the hard water, regenerating the attraction of the plastic beads in the process. When the brine tank is empty, a “slow rinse process” begins, which is followed by a more forceful rinse. These two cycles allow fresh water to rinse excess salts from the mineral tank, expelling it down the drain before the brine tank is refilled.

After the washing away of the hard water ions and any excess sodium, the brine tank is refilled, returning the system back to service cycle to begin the water softening process again. Since the regeneration process allows for the dissolution of salt in the brine tank, it is important that salt is replenished from time to time.

Contact Us

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


Benefits of a Having a Water Softener System Installed in your Home

Water is said to be hard when the high quantity of minerals such as dissolved calcium and magnesium are present. Having a water softener system installed in your home can prove to be beneficial in more than one way. A water softener is especially useful in areas where all people have access to is hard water.  Before shedding light on the benefits of having a water softener system installed in your home, let’s first look at some of the negative consequences that come with having hard water.

Disadvantages of Hard Water

  • Increases the amount of stains found from iron on clothing, landscape, sinks, and such
  • Decreases the lifespan and durability of appliances including dishwashers, coffee makers, and more
  • Shampoo and soap is less efficient in hard water as well as causing mineral build up in your hair
  • Hard water leaves spots on clean glasses and dishes
  • Increases stains and rings found on fixtures

In certain locations chemicals are added to the water to soften it by local authorities for residents.  However, not often is this the case.  Most people live in areas of hard water where a water softening system is the best option to achieve soft water.  There are many benefits that come with having soft water in your home.

Advantages of Soft Water

  • Cost-Effective

After the initial purchase, water softening systems don’t require much more than yearly maintenance, occasional cleaning, and a new filter but save homeowners money continually overtime.  One way this is accomplished is with the ability to buy less expensive detergent for laundry.  Softer water ensures that a rich lather is reached on the soap and detergent which does not occur with hard water. Clothes also rinse out cleaner without having to purchase costly detergents and products.

Hard water can also cause costly issues with minerals clogging the pipes within your home.  The minerals can build up within the pipes overtime causing a blockage that requires homeowners to spend money repairing or replacing.

  • Ease and Convenience

Whether it is dishwashing or laundry, soft water makes it easier for homeowners for cleaning of dishes and clothes. Unlike hard water that leaves stains on clothes and dishes, there is no such issue with soft water. Hence, homeowners will not be required to exert extra efforts for dishwashing and laundry.

  • Softer, Cleaner Hair and Skin

Soft water is also considered to be better for our skin and hair. It is known to make hair softer and skin cleaner. Thus, installation of a home water softener system can improve the way your skin and hair look and feel.

  • Longer Appliance Lifespan

Those kitchen appliances that require regular or frequent use of water, their lifespan will increase if you have a water softener system. Hard water tends to deteriorate their value and lessen their durability. No such issue is related to soft water; therefore, you can easily use it in your coffee makers and tea pots.

Consult With the Professionals

It clear that the best choice homeowners have is to install a water treatment system such as a water softener if the water in the home is hard.  It is important that you consult with a professional water treatment company when selecting one because there is a wide variety of water softener and conditioning systems available in the market and you want to ensure you get the best one for your water situation.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website